Beach Experience

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I can hear someone breathing and snoring loudly in my ear. My face seems very hot and sweaty, and my arms are around someone... I try opening my eyes and when I fully open them, I come across with a huge pair of hairy tits on my face... and a blonde man...

He then starts to speak quietly still with eyes close

"Don't please" The blonde says approaching my face to his tits again with his strong arms.

It's not bad but I could barely breath. It's too hot for me to be sleeping in his tits. I turn my face to the other side of the bed searching for a clock. It's not those digital clocks that I usually have on my apartment on America. It's those vintage clocks.

I can't read the time without my glasses because the numbers are too thin for me to look. I try to focus my vision more seeing if I can see only one number

After a long time forcing my vision to see and getting a headache, I'm able to see the time. Yeah, I never give up. It's 4:38am right now. It stills very early... the sun didn't even appear yet. I move my arms to Bryce's torso and put my head next to his neck. Way better.

* * *

After around 4 hours

I feel someone shaking me... seems trying to wake me up I start to open my eyes and see the blonde again shaking my body and gently slapping my face

"Wake up sugar! Let's go to the beach!" He says

I pick up my glasses that were next to the clock. I put them on to see everything better. I'm in underwear and a white tank top while Bryce It's only on underwear.

"Beach? Who the fuck goes to the beach this early" I say to him almost mumbling

"C'mon it's going to be fun! We're going to have plenty of fun I promise!"

"Bryce it's...Mhm-" I give up because I know he won't leave me alone "Fine just let me wash my face first, ok?" I say looking at him with eyes fully open now .

He then smiles widely and puts a more excited look on his face.

"Great! I'm sure you're going to like it. And maybe at lunch we could go to a restaurant where has a typical dish from here called "Francesinha"

I look at him while opening the door of the bathroom

"Fran-ce-sinha?" I try to spell it "What's that made of"

"Lots of meat, bread covered with cheese, French fries, special sauce and on top of all a cooked egg" he says reading it from the journal

"Umm... I don't think I'm able to it all that... It's too much"

"We could share... Like... on the same plate... like a couple" He suggests

I blush and turn on the sink start washing my face. Which now it's to cover my blush too...

"Yeah ok... Right... Deal"

I pick up a towel next to the sink and wipe my face with it... This towel seems so soft... I've never touched such a soft towel... Europeans now how to fabricate towels...

What the fuck am I thinking...

"Why did you want to go at the beach this early in the morning..." I suddenly ask him

"Umm... You know I just like beach I used to go there many times at summer when I was younger"

"Cute" I say

I put on some beige shorts and blue summery shirt. I pick up some sunglasses and put them on my head. Bryce has already a bag which haves' sunscreen and a bunch of other things needed. I put on some crocks-

"Wait-" he says to giggle out of the sudden "Are you seriously going to the beach using crocks?" he says still giggling a bit

"What's the problem?" I ask

He then starts to giggle more

"Nothing sugar..." He wipes away a tear "Nothing you're stunning..."

I pick up our hotel keys. We exit the hotel and start going to the beach walking since it's not that far... It's very hot today... I'm already sweating.

"It's better to put some sunscreen on right now... At least on the face... It's very hot..."


I put some sunscreen on the face, and I hand the bottle to him. He then doesn't pick up and just stares at me waiting for something

"What?" I say

He then points to his face

"You want me to put sunscreen on you?"

He nods. I sigh and put some sunscreen on my hand again. I start spreading it out on his face. And when I finish, he gives me a kiss on the check

"Very romantic..." I say giving a dead stare

We then start walking again to the beach...

* * *

We pick up a sunshade that they we're hiring in the entrance of the beach. Since we didn't have one. We go to the sand and try to find a nice spot. We put our huge towel there with our bag and Sunshade next to each other...

We talk a little. We take off our shirts and we sunbath a little... Then we go to the sea to swim...

Bryce it's running down to little hill

"Wait!" I say almost dying of running so much

"You can't catch me!" He says playfully

God he's still 5 years old or I am going insane?

He then enters the sea FREAZING OUT (like almost)
I enter the sea next to him

"Shit this is cold." I say immediately exiting the bath.

Bryce goes off too shaking of cold...

"Didn't they say that Portugal beach was all warm and stuff... this shit it's almost cold as ice..." I say

"Yeah... Liars!" Bryce says pointing at the sky

"Stop." I say

We then try again going to the sea... It's still cold as fuck be we get used to it... We stay there about and 1 hour... Yeah it was not that bad... I thought it would be way worse since I hate the beach...

We then come back to our spot

"I'm hungry..." I say

"Yeah, me too... We should go for lunch now" Bryce says.


We pack up our stuff and put our clothes back on... We hand the sunshade again to the man who hire it to us and hand to the restaurant Bryce referred earlier... 


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