Late shift breakfast

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The whole shift at the restaurant felt neverending as the day went on having to work overtime since you were short staffed finally going home after eight hours willing yourself to walk to your car and drive home sighing as you park in the driveway groaning when you look at the time to see it was 5:00 in the morning. You walk inside to the smell of food flowing through the air as you sit down taking your shoes off your tired feet waiting before heading to go upstairs only to see your boyfriend Rob in the kitchen with bacon on a plate cooking pancakes with blueberries and chocolate chips as he turns smiling when he sees you "Hey I know you're tired but I think these will help" you melt seeing his smile as he finishes up quickly washing dishes before joining you on the couch eating which makes your heart swell at the tender actions "Thank you baby you didn't have to get up for me, I love you" he follows you upstairs laughing when you fall on the bed after showering but the laughter turns into groans and light moans at him rubbing the tension and knots out of your body "I knew you'd be tired and probably hadn't eaten in awhile so I wanted to make sure of that like you do for me" no matter what it was his actions and words always made you turn to putty smiling sweetly as he kisses your shoulder kneading his knuckles into your back before propping you up and popping it which relaxes you even more putting on a nightgown before you were under the covers asleep as rob strips down to his boxers joining you under the covers and wrapping you in his arms. You wake up to rob kissing your shoulder looking at the time to see that it was 2:30 going downstairs to find rob yet again cooking this time making pizza smiling as you lean your head against his back making him smile when he sees you out of the corner of his eye watching Hell's kitchen after eating laying in his arms occasionally falling asleep which you apologize for only to earn a sweet kiss in response as you laid on him with your head tucked under his chin "Don't worry sweetheart sleep as long as you need I'll be here" you nod holding his hand as you fall back asleep which is what you do for the next three hours with him holding you covering you with the throw blanket before pressing a kiss to your head "I love you" he knows you couldn't hear him but no matter what you both always said the three words to each other.

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