Rising from the dark

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Mick was relieved when he saw you back to wrestling after your bad accident six weeks back having been in a car pile up while on the way to a show in Michigan. After a week in the hospital for a concussion and minor surgery for a broken rib spending the next bit healing and processing the whole pile up not really sleeping from everything that happened and the things you wish you didn't see that day from tons of blood to people on the ground you felt like you were in an endless nightmare but the difference was that you were actually experiencing it and couldn't wake up to make it stop sobbing when you see your friends run in the room but when you saw mick you couldn't let him go since the two of you had started dating not too long ago thanks with some encouragement from your friend Stevie and Blue meanie as well glued to his side for the next five and a half weeks as you healed and processed learning that none of it was your fault and you couldn't change anything that happened that you were just stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time and everything went to hell completely. You were over the moon being in India along with mick and the rest of the ECW roster on a big company trip for the year with india winning the vote above Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Puerto Rico exploring the city of Aghra two months after the accident turning when you see mick putting something in your hair smiling when you walk by a mirror to see it was a pink lotus "You rose and bloomed out of the darkness I'm proud of you" you tear up sharing a hug and soft kiss feeling more safe and okay than you had been since the accident smiling when you see mick with more lotus's the next morning before walking through the different cities over the next two weeks of your stay in india a smile written on your face the whole time especially when you'd see a lotus reminding that you could always get out of the darkness.

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