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"The fuck did you jump in the ring for!" you hold on to the chair tightly as Raven yells at Stevie for interfering in his match against Sandman trying not to cry or yell. As the next few minutes passed by you couldn't control your nerves and emotions taking over body shooting up which knocked over the chair you were sitting in walking as you hide your face quietly apologizing to Rob who bumps into you before a hand grabs your wrist turning to see Beulah "What's wrong?" you shake your head as the tears flow down your face gasping for air outside walking until you puke in a bush shaking as you lean against a fence on the ground sobbing and quietly crying in your hands "Look at me my dear" stevie wraps you in his flannel as you look up at raven seeing that he had a worried look on his face while stevie was scared looking at the ground as you whispered to them "I'm scared.." with more anxiety shakes running through your body and tears down your face the thoughts and demons you held at bay finally poured out of the Pandora's box in the back of your mind "I had to be a bystander to someone who should have cared and loved me treat someone I love like shit for my whole left a lasting mark". You jump when raven moves his arm which makes his heart drop as you shake your head apologizing for the action before you were wrapped in his arms hearing him whisper in your ear that he was sorry and he doesn't want you to be afraid of him "I am afraid of being vulnerable because I love both of you so much but I don't want to be left alone again.. I've been in pain for so long" they knew you didn't have the most perfect home life but that didn't mean you were lucky or had it easy either when you got older from toxic friends and your biological father trying to get back in your life over the last few years to people in the business mistreating you and fans sexually harassing you things had been hell and back for you especially once you finally got noticed and seen which really didn't help your already exhausted and broken emotional state plus your drained and neverending mental thoughts that always creeped to the surface. No other words are said as your sandwiched between the boys in the hotel room you all shared molded together with your head on stevie's chest, one leg tangled between each of their legs, raven's arm slung over you with one hand on your hip and the other in stevie's hair while stevie caressed your face with one hand and the other ran along your back before intertwining with raven's hand waking up in raven's arms while he traced the freckles on your face feeling your heart flutter at the gentle soft kiss he pulls you into before sitting in his lap sharing another kiss with stevie before all of you eat breakfast spending the next hour holding each other before working out and heading to the arena for your matches.

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