Bed side

20 1 0

So far the match between you and Ariel was going well until the unshakeable feeling of dread washes over you. You began to stare off during a move as a tingling feeling went through your body and your ears began to ring before everything went dark, Punk was in the ring and holding you as you go into a seizure which stops the match in it's tracks not seeing or hearing the crowd's concern for your well-being and surprise by the episode before you slowly come to very confused when you see punk above you learning that the ref had called that match not too long into your seizure which ended in you winning and keeping your title by disqualification rather than continuing the match or it being a tie, you felt pain rush through your head as punk slowly rolled you under the ropes and carried you to the medics backstage where you see the replay of your seizure which makes the crowd wince and yell seeing you hit your head on the ring post again. After being looked over and sent to the ER, you were laying in bed at punk's house with a concussion watching tv in between him asking you simple questions to be sure the concussion was having any severe effects on you while you eat before falling asleep after repeating your answers to the same questions such as what your name was, when was your birthday, how old you were, and where you were born which you answered like you always did which relieved him greatly knowing that the concussion or the seizure wasn't having very bad effects on you other than slight confusion after and tiredness from being looked over by medics and doctors at the er along with the questions punk asked you once getting home until right now as you sleep.

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