Chapter 5: A Thousand Heads

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"Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder." - Octave Mirbeau

Eighteen Days After Jaehaerys' Death

"Word has come from King's Landing, Your Grace," the knight informed Rhaenyra.

"Words of surrender I'd wager," Daemon stated.

"I'm afraid not, Your Grace," the Knight spoke to Daemon. He held a letter in his hands. "Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena have openly declared war, Your Grace. Princess Helaena slew the man called Blood. His head is on display outside the gates of the Red Keep."

"Helaena killed a man," Rhaenyra gasped.

"That simpleton does not have the heart or guts to kill a man. I think the Greens are full of shit," Daemon snarled.

"They are searching for the one called Cheese as well as Lady Mysaria. They have plans to close off the ports and roads until they are found," the Knight explained. "Princess Helaena has called for the heads of the Blacks. All of them. Children and otherwise. She has proclaimed 'A thousand heads as payment for the head of my son.' Word even says that she has begun sitting in at small council meetings."

Rhaenyra stares, shocked. "Daemon?" She asked, worried.

"I swear that she will not touch our children. That is my promise to you," Daemon swore.

"What have we done?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Nothing wrong. We only covet what is your birthright. The Iron Throne. We are not in the wrong here. It is that usurper cunt and his whore wife," Daemon reassured. "Send word to our spies. If they get the chance, bring us the heads of the Usurper and his whore."

The Knight looked to Rhaenyra for confirmation. "Your Grace?"

Rhaenyre glanced at Daemon, unsure. She then turned back to the knight and nodded her head.

"At once, Your Grace," the knight accepted, leaving the room.

Daemon wrapped his arms around Rhaenyra. "If all goes well, they will not have the chance to take to the skies in battle," Daemon stated.

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