Chapter 9: Stone Hedge

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"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us." - Unknown

Thirty-Nine Days After Jaehaerys' Death

Helaena arrived in Stone Hedge within a few hours of leaving King's Landing. She took that time to mull through her thoughts.

She came to the realization that Rhaenyra would not have ordered the killing of her son, but Daemon would have. Though Rhaenyra wasn't completely innocent either.

She could have done something to stop it, but she did not.

Helaena had compiled a list in her mind of all those who would face her wrath; Rhaenys, Corlys, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Ser Erryk, Baela, Rhaena, Jacaerys, Joffrey, Aegon III, Viserys II, and all others who would dare to side with Rhaenyra.

Helaena would kill them all, with fire and blood.

She swore this, on the old gods and new, as she dismounted from Dreamfyre. She glided her hand across the scales covering Dreamfyre's neck.

Lord Humfrey Bracken waited to greet her, having been sent word of her journey to his aid.

"Queen Helaena," Humfrey greeted, bowing. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, truly. I have heard much of your unending loyalty to my husband and his cause," Helaena responded.

"I thank you for your kind words, Your Grace. And if I may?" Lord Bracken asked.

Helaena nodded, giving him permission to continue.

"You have grown into a beautiful, smart, and kind young woman," Lord Bracken commented. "Last I had seen you, you were a little girl of ten playing with bugs. But now I hear you have gained the love of the small folk as well as have begun sitting in at Small Council meetings. It is truly a wonderful sight to see young children grow into themselves when they are older."

"Thank you, Lord Bracken. I will treasure your words," Helaena thanked.

"Of course," Lord Bracken accepted. "Now. I'm sure you are exhausted from your journey." He gestures to a maid. "This is Jaida Brander. She will show you to your rooms where you shall be staying. And of course, Dreamfyre may be allowed to roam freely through my lands. Though, all I ask is that she does not eat any of the livestock."

"Of course. A fair condition," Helaena accepted without hesitation. "Though, she will not wander far from me."

"If you'll come with me, Your Grace," Jaida said.
Helaena began to follow Jaida to her rooms. They took many turns before arriving at the door.

"Would you like a bath prepared, Your Grace?" Jaida inquired.

"A bath would be lovely. Thank you, Jaida. Please, make sure the water is scalding." Helaena requested.

"Right away, Your Grace," Jaida confirmed, bowing her head before walking away.

Helaena entered her rooms and began to unpack her things. She sat down on the bed, taking a minute to steady herself. This was only the second time she had left King's Landing. The first being to Driftmark for Lady Laena's funeral.

But perhaps this would be good for her. To be away from the enclosed space of the Red Keep. The place where her son was killed. Perhaps it would help her to clear her mind.

Yes. This was a good thing. Helaena was ensuring that Aegon would win this war. And would not lose too many allies.

This is what she could do for him. As his wife and his sister.

Queen Helaena the CruelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu