Chapter 11: The Stranger and The Father

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"I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us, and we change things." - Mother Teresa

Fifty-Three Days After Jaehaerys' Death

Lord Samwell Blackwood had sent raiders onto Bracken lands. Lord Humfrey Bracken's eldest son, Amos, was preparing to march onto Blackwood lands in retaliation.

"I highly advise against this. We should at least wait until my husband's troops arrive," Helaena advised.

"They have burned crops, drove off cattle and sheep, and sacked villages. They have despoiled every Sept they have came across. This cannot go unpunished," Lord Bracken explained.

Helaena sighed. "I understand, Lord Bracken. I truly do. If this is what you feel must be done, then I shall not stop you. But I cannot follow your son onto Blackwood lands. I am needed here to help defend Stone Hedge."

"Of course, Your Grace. Thank you," Lord Bracken appreciated.

"Shall we see your sons off?" Helaena questioned.

"Please. Seeing you will surely give them all the motivation they need," Lord Bracken stated.

They make their way to the gates of Stone Hedge where Amos Bracken and Lord Bracken's illegitimate son, Raylon Rivers, were preparing to leave with their retinue of soldiers.

Amos and Raylon both greet Helaena and then their father.

"We much appreciate you seeing us off, Your Grace," Amos said politely.

"It is my pleasure. To see you so loyal to your house and protective of your lands. I truly admire that," Helaena commented.

Amos and Raylon smiled gratefully. "Thank you for your kind words, Your Grace," Raylon acknowledged.

"Sers, everything is prepared," a soldier informed the brothers.

"I suppose you shall be off then," Helaena stated. "I wish you luck on your journey. May the Warrior see to it that you are victorious and may the Mother protect you from your enemies."

"Thank you, Your Grace," Amos thanked on behalf of himself and his brother.

Helaena and Lord Bracken stood at the gates until Amos, Raylon, and the soldiers could no longer be seen over the horizon.

Helaena turned to Lord Bracken. "I wish to pray. May you see to it that I am not disturbed?"

"Of course, Your Grace. As you wish," Lord Bracken responded.

Helaena walked through the halls in the direction of the Sept of Stone Hedge. She entered the Sept and knelt that the statue of the Stranger. She folded her hands together.

Tears began to stream down her face as she placed her head in her hands. "Why did you take my son? Did he not have so much more life to live? Or was he always destined to die in such a horrible way. Is that what you had planned for him? Please, Stranger. Tell me," Helaena sobbed.

Helaena wiped away her tears when she heard no answer.

She stood and walked to the statue of the Father. She knelt down once more, folding her hands. "Allow me to pass justice against them. Those who harmed my son. Please, grant me your divine justice, Father," Helaena begged. "Give me a sign."

Suddenly, Helaena was engulfed in a vision. A dream. She saw Daemon, headless, his daughter Baela next to him. She, too, was headless.
Their heads were in their hands. "Mercy!" They shouted. "Please, have mercy!"

Helaena became conscious once more and realized that she had prostrated herself in front of the statue of the Father.

She looked up at the statue with reverence. And gratitude. "Thank you, Father," she cried. "Thank you," she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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