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Friday was a long day at school. I spaced out a lot and couldn't focus worth shit.

After lunch me and Mike were sitting in the hallway across from the lockers after stopping to get my meds and were waiting for the next class.

I was leaning my head on Mikes shoulder and he had my hand in his when Johnny walked up to us and kicked my shoe.

"Hey twitch, I got you a little something to make you feel better since you were sick last week." He smiles suspiciously holding out a black box with a lid in his hands.

It was only the size of something you might fit a cupcake or a baseball in but i wasn't about to find out.

I don't want a thing from that asshole.

He never really left us alone, he was constantly making comments in the hallways when we passed calling us fags or making kissing faces.

It didn't get to me anymore, i was used to it.

"I'm good thanks." I mutter not taking the box from him.

"Come on you'll love it." He taunts pushing the box closer to my face and pulling off the lid with his other hand.

Inside was a small strobe light flashing intensively in the black box.

Mike knocked the box out of his hand and jumped up pushing him against the lockers grabbing his shirt and getting right in his face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Your lucky he doesn't react to lights or I'd kill you right now." Mike roared at him his voice darker and more menacing than I've ever heard him speak.

Johnny laughed and held up his hands smiling just as the bell rang.

"Calm down fruit cake, I wouldn't want you to break a nail now."

Mike punched him hard in the jaw and slammed him back against the locker.

"Fuck off and leave us alone, Or else i will make you regret everything you've ever done to him." He growled and shoved him once more before grabbing my hand and heading down the hall.

Johnny was staring at him a look of anger and slight surprise on his face as we walked away.

I looked back at Mike and he still looked pissed but he was slowly calming his breathing and squeezed my hand giving me a slight smile.

I had never seen that side of him before.

He was always so calm and collected.

I didn't know he had that in him.

It was kinda hot.

I went to Mikes after school but we didn't have to stop at the elementary to get Jess, she was at home with a cold.

We worked on homework for a bit then were watching music videos, cuddling on the couch.

I didn't have a problem being affectionate with him around his Moms, they were so cool about everything it was the one place we could relax and really be ourselves.

"So, how's the hand." I ask as i glance at his knuckles that are still very red.

"Fine." He smiles and puts his arm around me so i can't stare at it.

"You didn't have to do that you know. He's an ass but i don't want you getting in trouble over someone as stupid as him, your lucky a teacher didn't see." I say leaning back and looking him in the eye.

"Ty if flashing lights triggered your seizures and that had worked, i would have done a lot more than hit him once. He's intentionally trying to make you seize, He should be suspended for that shit. I wish you would have went to the teacher and told them like i said. I hate how you let them walk all over you." He groaned.

"It just leads to more harm than good, trust me. He would just come back from a two week suspension with an even bigger target on my head. Its better to just ignore him, he'll get bored and find something else to do eventually." I noted and he frowned.

"I know. I haven't blown up at someone like that in a long time. It happened before i could even think about what i was doing. I'm sorry." He sighed and hugged me tighter.

"It's ok. It was actually kinda hot. I didn't know you had an aggressive side." I smirk.

"Oh there's a lot you don't know yet babe." he chuckled and pressed his lips against mine.

A little while later Carrol came in and asked if we could keep an eye on Jess while she went to get Chase from practice.

She was in bed reading books, her nose red as a Christmas light.

She had a cough and sounded like kermit the frog when she talked. 

I loved watching Mike take care of her. He was so good at comforting her and making her feel better, no wonder he was so good with me.

Despite his tough badass appearance.

He's a natural caregiver.

We sat in Jess's bed and read with her until Carrol came home but she didn't want us to go so we stayed with her until Mike had to take me home.

The next morning i woke up with a wicked headache and spent most of the day laying around doing nothing. I thought i was just over tired or had done way too much homework the day before.

Until my throat started to feel rough after supper.

Then i knew i was catching Jess's cold.

Damn it.

I took a handful of vitamin c out of the medicine cabinet and went to bed hoping i would feel better in the morning. 

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