I Forgive You, Forget You, The End.

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"Search for the answers
I knew all along
I lost myself, we all fall down
Never the wiser of what i've become
Alone i stand, a broken man.

All I have is one last chance

I won't turn my back on you

Take my hand, drag me down
If you fall then I will too
And I can't save what's left of you

Sing something new
I have nothing left
I can't face the dark without you
There's nothing left to lose
The fight never ends
I can't face the dark without you

Swallow me under and pull me apart
I understand, there's nothing left
Pain so familiar and close to the heart
No more, no less, I won't forget

Come back down, save yourself
I can't find my way to you
And I can't bear to face the truth


I wanted to forgive
I'm trying to forget
Don't leave me here again
I am with you forever, the end


Holding the hand that holds me down
I forgive you, forget you, the end
Holding the hand that holds me down
I forgive you, forget you, the end." - Without You ~ Breaking Benjamin


*Lexie's POV*

For the first time in my life, my dream came true.

Not the dream I had of finding true love, or the one I had of becoming the world's most important businesswoman, this one was a nightmare.

"Here lies Henry Grey, a beloved father and friend. 1958 - 2013."

The first time I saw those words was in a nightmare, but now it was reality. I stood between the crowds of people who came to pay respect for my dead father. Some cried, others looked lost, like they did not belong there. And then there was Taylor and I. 

I don't know how much time I spent crying. Maybe a day, or two, or even a whole week, but I knew that the pain will last forever. I lost the most important person in my life. The person who held  my hand and taught me how to walk. The only person who stayed with me when everyone else left. I lost my father, and no matter how many times people tell me that he's in a better place, I can't help but wonder why he left me behind.

"We need to go before the paps get here." I heard Louis whisper. 

We just buried dad. He was lying in a wooden box, with only a velvet, red pillow to rest his head on. Not that it mattered, anyway. He wouldn't feel anything anymore. They lowered the cofin into the ground, and covered it with soil, then cement and a head-stone that said his name. Before they put him in his eternal bed, I kissed his cold cheek, and put my hand where his heart should be. But everything was silent. Because he was gone. 

"Yeah, let's go." Harry agreed.

"Lex, come on." Tay tugged on my arm.

"No," I pulled my arm back and crossed both my arms to my chest, "I can't leave dad alone."

"Lexie, we should leave now." Zayn said, his voice low and cautious, as if I was made of fragile glass and I would break into a billion pieces if his voice was any louder.

"But dad needs me," I whispered, because I knew that he did.

"Lexie," Taylor said as she stroked my hair, "But we need you more."

I looked at her face, then at the boys'. They were all looking at me as if I grew a second head. So i turned around and whispered "I love you," to dad before I held Tay's hand and went to the car.

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