The jade friends sleepover

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Kinkajou POV
I was busy.
Why I'm busy? I'm planning a sleepover.
Me: I'm having a sleepover. Wanna come?
💗Mylove💗: Sure
💗Bestie🌕: OK
🏜Qibli🏜:I'm in !
❄Winter🥶: Fine...
Ugghghhhhh Winter why are you so grouchy! I thought.
"GLORRYYY! I'M HAVING A SUPER AWESOME SLEEPOVER WITH MY TOTALLY COOL FRIENDS SO HELP ME GET READY!!!!!" I yelled. "OK sis!" She yelled back. So we cleaned the house and made an enormous amount of food.
- Time skip -
All my friends were here. "Time for dinner!" Glory said. I ate some salad and lobster. Turtle ate whatever seafood in the meal. Qibli was eating beef steak and sausages and bread. Winter rolled his eyes at this. Moon ate beef steak with broccoli. Winter ate some tuna salad and wholemeal bread, but other than that, he ignored his food.
"If everyone is finished eating, let's have a stuffed animal party! I said. "Do we have to?" Qibli asked.  "Yes!" I said enthusiastically. "Finee..." Winter said. "Let the party begin!" I said. "How are we supposed to play?" Moon said. "Oh, it's simple. Do whatever you want with the doll." Turtle said. So that's how me and Moon played "Little ladies" with our dolls, Turtle practicing his ventriloquism, Qibli using it to make puns, and Winter zoning out, doing absolutely nothing.
I felt like this party was getting awkward, so I decided to play another game. "Let's play truth or dare!" I screeched. "Sure!" "Okay." "Um, sure." "(groan) Fine..."
"Winter, truth or dare?" I said. "Dare I guess." "I dare you to dump a bucket of water on Qibli!" I said. "I would have done that without a dare." Winter said. And he dumped the water on Qibli. "Hey!" Said Qibli. "Moon, truth or dare?" "Truth." "How was life in the rainforest?" Moon looked surprised that he didn't ask something meaner. "I lived in a small apartment, and I was usually alone because mom was very busy. The weather was nice, and we always had enough to eat because we could just pluck a fruit from a tree in the public orchard. Also, we had an abusive father but my mom divorced with him and we has a nice life." I said. "Huh. You were very lucky." Winter mumbled. Was he jealous or was that sadness in his eyes? "Turtle truth or dare?" Moon said. "Truth I guess." "Is it true that you have 34 siblings?" Moon said. "Unfortunately." Turtle said. "Qibli, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to tell us your crush." Qibli blushed, and said, "I like Moon." "Moon looked shocked. "Kinkajou truth or dare?" "Dare!" I said. "Drink avocado juice." I grimaced, and drank a tiny sip of avocado juice. It was horrible. "Winter truth or dare?" Moon said. "Truth." "Do you like studying or not, and why?" "Of course not! I'm frickin' fifteen! Why the heck do I have to learn math for frickin' twenty-one year Olds?!!" He yelled. "Woah!" Dude, chill dude." Qibli said.
There was a sudden screech from the kitchen. "Kink!" Glory yelled. "Come here this minute!"

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