ch. 03

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They were walking for about 12 km (8 miles). All of them were very tired, but the nature was beautiful. They were almost at their final destination. The weather was fine, but the closer they got to the lake, the more fog was created. Some clouds were coming too and the sun was hiding.

"Look! We're finally here!" Yoshida yelled and pointed to the lake by his left.
"Finally! I was staring to think we were lost!" Makoro said.
"Complain all you want, i got my beautiful clips so I'm satisfied"
Yoshida happily commented.
"He's right even tho it was a rough hike, through a literal jungle it was nice." Seiji said.
"And man you can't deny the view" tsukishima said, looking in the distance.

"Yea, too bad the fog is in our way. It would be prettier. " Terrence joined in looking around them.
"It will be better in the morning." Yoshida said.
"Yea but we should find our tents and start building them." She continued,
"Then we can look around a bit."
"That's a good idea" Seiji said.
Makoro looked at them dumbfounded, "I thought the tents will be built for us"
Terrence sighed. "That was optional. I'd rather build the tents myself, to have the true survival experience, besides, it's really not that hard"

They got to work. On every group of tents, there were name tags. Some people paid for bigger tents so that's how they find it.

Once they found their tents, they split into 2 groups. G1: Terrence, Seiji and tsukishima, G2: Yoshida and Makoro.

"How about we race?" Terrence suggested.
"But that's not fair! There's only two of us! You'll build the tent faster!" Makoro whined.
"Oh please! We'll show them Makoro!"
Yoshida prepared the tools.
"Alright then but what will the winner get?" Seiji asked.
"A kiss on the cheek!" Makoro said as he made a kissy face. 😘
"NO! No, the winner will decide what we'll do next." Terrence explained.
"Alright then, get ready.... Go!" Yoshida yelled. They all got to work. Both of the groups were laying out their tools.
"So uhm, how do we build a tent?" Makoro said confused.
"Don't tell me you don't know how to build a tent. You even have instructions right there!" Yoshida pointed on a paper sewed on the tent.
"Oh God I teamed up with and idiot" Yoshi murmured.

Eventually they built it. G1 obviously won. Makoro was furious.
"Man i hate this game!" He complained.
"You were the reason we lost dumbass!" Yoshida glared at him.
"Don't call me dumbass!"
"I'll call you a dumbass when you're being a dumbass, dumbass!"
"Settle down kids" Terry said, not surprised at them fighting.
"So what are we going to do?" Yoshi asked.
"We came up with and idea! We'll go play tag in the woods!" Seiji announced.
"Don't you think it's a little dangerous? We could get lost" Yoshida questioned.
"Don't worry we won't get lost, we'll our phones just in case. You can record it for your vlog." Terrence reassured him.
"Alright then"
"So when do we start?" Kei asked.
"Hmm.. how about... NOW! Makoro tag you're it!" Yoshida yelled as he ran off.
"HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" He tried defending himself but everyone already ran off. So he took off after Seiji as he was the slowest one of all of them.

After three hours of playing, they finished and met by their tents.
"This was fun" Makoro said.
"I disagree" Seiji said, panting.
"We can play again tomorrow. Let's set up our campfire." Terrence ordered.

They sat around the fire, toasting marshmallows.
"Did you enjoy it?" Terrence asked Tsukishima, spooking him a bit.
"I guess. I'm not a fan of running tho" he answered. Even if he wasn't a fan, he wouldn't mind doing it again.
"Did.... Did it take your mind off of it?"
"Yeah" he simply said. The argument with yams really brought him down.
"I don't want to think about it"
"Alright" she smiled and put her hand on his shoulder.
"I'm here if you need a break"
he nodded and ate his dinner.

Tomorrow is a new day, with a new adventure.

Next day

Tsukishima woke up in an uncomfortable position. Even though he shared a tent with seiji and Terrence, the calm people of the group, he woke up with Seijis legs on his chest.

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