ch. 10

1 0 0

Terrence was right. It didn't seem like it at first, but it was easy to get lost in there. Every corner looked same, every dark hallway looked as if something's hiding in it, ready to jump out. Other then a few hounds they haven't met any other entities.
"If we continue walking around like this, we won't find the exit or Yoshida" Terrence said.
"What hell are we supposed to do then?" 
"We should make up some kind of a system. She's right, we won't get anywhere like this" Tsukishima defended her.
"How about we mark places we were at? Like scraping the walls or something."
"Why not just number it? We could mistake entities scrapes for ours."
Tsukishima suggested, and the other two nodded. It was the best option.

Seiji pulled out a knife, carving number one on the wall. Even if they didn't do it from the start, it was still something.
"Like that?"
"Yeah, it's good enough" Terrence gave him a thumbs up. He put his knife back into his backpack and they continued their search.

Another hour went by. Or at least it felt like an hour, not that they could really tell. They did separate for a while, which was terrifying but they regrouped quickly, the numbers and markings helped.
They decided to rest up in a room Terrence found. It was just a plain white room with a table and lockers, nothing special. They sat in a circle in silence.
Seiji was sitting criss-cross looking at the ground. Tsukishima was resting his head on his knees. And Terrence was sitting on the table.

The silence was uncomfortable. But talking wouldn't do any better. Terrence noticed Seiji crying. His tears were streaming down his face. She didn't blame him. The reason why was very obvious. Seiji and Yoshida were always close. They were no doubt best friends. And now Yoshida is lost, and they have a very little chance of finding him. Even if he didn't want to say it out loud, he knew it. Everyone did. She jumped down from the table and sat next to him. Without saying anything, she put her hand on his back. He didn't look at her, his gaze remained at the floor. But he did scoot closer, signalling he appreciated her comfort. He was her cousin. She wanted to protect him from all the wrong in the world. But this....nobody even knew what it was, where they were or how to get out. But they can't loose hope. Maybe they'll meet someone who can help them. If there were arrows in the first level, it means someone must have it all memorised. They also have electricity here. Because of the paperwork they found, since it wasn't hand written, they must have written it on a computer and printed it. Or maybe someone left and came back. Wait, no. That's stupid. Why would anyone come back here? Thoughts were running wild in her mind.

A bottle, beef jerky and a sandwich was placed in front of Seiji. Tsukishima closed his backpack.
"Drink up, eat something, get your energy back, you'll need a lot for tomorrow. Yoshida is waiting for us."
Seiji wiped his tears, picked up the water and food and looked at Tsukishima.
"When you're done, go to sleep. Both of you."
They did as Tsukishima told them. Once they barricaded the door, they laid down. Without sleeping bags, the floor was hard and uncomfortable. But they were so tired, they fell asleep immediately. Tsukishima spent the night writing in his notebook.

Who would have thought that retracing his steps in a maze would be hard. Well, definitely not him. Yoshida was mostly walking in circles. But he got the hang of it now, he was scraping the walls with his knife, so he wouldn't get lost even more. Though it wasn't much help. Walking through the seemingly endless maze got him thinking. 'how is this even possible?' he thought. That question was asked many times already, yet it was never answered. 'its as if some God was playing tricks on us. Or maybe it's all a dream. I really hope its a dream. If it was some alien being, we'd be in even deeper shit. But all of it looks real, but at the same time uncanny. It's hard to explain, but i don't have to. I'm alone now. There's no one to explain it to.'

The hallway was getting darker and darker, his teary eyes were looking all over, searching for potential threats. His steps echoed, his breathing quickened, his vision faded to black. He wanted to go back, he doesn't like the dark, oh well, it's too late now...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 06 ⏰

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