ch. 09

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Terrence was running. She was terrified. The skin-stealer chose to follow her. It's not like she's bad at running, but it's kinda fucking stressful when a monster is chasing you. She tried to loose it between pillars and hallways with pipes. Nothing seemed to be working, but she earned a bigger distance between herself and the monster. She
couldn't focus. Fear and the thought of a painful death flooded her mind. Her eyes started to get blurry.
'Stop crying, if can't put my shit together it'll catch me'
She wasn't looking where she was going. So she tripped.
"NO!" She yelled and tried getting up. The monster quickly catched up. She had no choice but to close her eyes and curl into a ball waiting for the worst.
She was expecting pain and death. But it never came. She opened her eye to see what happened. The skin-stealer was still yelling but it was backing away. After a sec it turned and ran into a hallway on the left. The roar echoing from far away. She couldn't move. She heard a noise behind her so she turned around. She gasped. About 6 Facelings were behind her. They must have scared the skin-stealer away. She carefully sat up. One of the Facelings offered her a helping hand. It looked like a 20 year man. They saved her life. And so she took it, and with his help she stood up. She brushed any dust off of herself, then she looked up at the Facelings. All of them were dressed differently. Four of them had 'normal' clothes the other two was plumber and a nurse. They didn't try to cause any harm, they just stared at her, yet she ran away from them.

Her breathing was heavy, she wasn't in danger or anything, she was just.... confused.
She slowed down, now walking in the foggy garage like place. She put her backpack on the ground, sitting next to it.
"This is fucking stupid" she cried.
"We wake up in a unidentifiable place, away from our friends and family, and now a deadly monster tried to kill me"
She rested her head against the wall, tears running down her cheek.
"And Makoro.... Im sorry. Its possible we left you there all alone. Im so, so sorry. I still hear the buzzing from that ... Place.  ...... What are we gonna do?"

She doesn't even know how long she sat there for. It's impossible to tell the time. It's all just blending together. Her ears were buzzing, vision was blurry,  she wanted it to stop.

She had to find her friends. It's gonna be tough. Though it may not seem like it at first, she could get lost just as easily as in the first place or 'level'. She still didn't understand what they meant by that.
She was getting a bit hungry too. There was a sandwich in her backpack if she remembered correctly. She rummaged through her bag, pulling out a water bottle and said sandwich. She closed her bag and got on her feet. The longer she stays there, the further away her friends might be getting. She couldn't just wait there like a lost princess.

She ate her sandwich in silence, she didn't want to attract any new monsters. Tsukishima mentioned some monster, what were they called again? There were facelings, the ones her that saved her life, skin stealer, probably the thing that attacked her, a scratcher? She doesn't really remember.
Oh and a hound!
Is that some kind of a dog?

She heard a growl from behind her.

Speak of the devil.
She turned around, looking at the entity.
It was sickening.
A human like entity on four legs with flipped leg and arm joints. It was disgusting.

She was expecting it to attack, but it only scurried away.
Oh right.
They're intimidated by eye contact.
Good thing she didn't run. But she had to protect herself somehow if she meets a monster again. She looked around the room and found a ripped off pipe. (As quietly as she could) she picked it up. If something was gonna attack, she'll strike right back.

Seiji and Tsukishima were walking in a dark hallway. 'im starting to think that this wasn't the best idea' Kei thought. Even though they had their flashlights out, there was still dark. Seiji finally calmed down. Now they just had to find others. For now, the only thing they've met was a hound. But they stared at it until it left. They had a feeling that something was watching them. It was uncomfortable but they couldn't go anywhere else. There was dead quiet. Suddenly they heard a bang, they looked around, prepared to run the fuck away.  they heard a scratching noise. And because they were just a duo of a scared teenagers, they ran out of there. But it didn't seem to follow.  They also heard a yelp, a female yelp.
"Terrence!" Kei yelled they turned around the corner(i still have no idea if that's how you say it)
"That's not Terrence" Seiji whispered.

Yoshida was crying. He was sitting against a piller with fog surrounding him. He tried to keep quiet.
"I want to go home" he sobbed. During his exploring he met up with two hounds. Now he just gave up. Will they find him? He had no idea. Awful thoughts filled his head. He had to find them himself. He wiped away the tears, looking around for any danger. Picking up his backpack, he retraced his step to find his way back to his friends.

"That's not Terrence" Seiji whispered.
"Quiet Tsukishima"
Tsukishima had many questions but he kept them to himself, not wanting to die.
They listened carefully for any movement. The yelps stopped, Seiji was right. When Tsukishima peaked down the hallway, he saw a monster. He quickly shoved his head back in. It was imitating voices. Just like it was written on the paper.
"What now?" Tsukishima mouthed to seiji, and to answer seiji just put a finger over his mouth. They had to wait till it leaves

They were sweating crazy. If it wasn't so stupid and looked in the room they were in, they'd be dead. It seemed like an eternity until it left completely. Even then they were scared shitless to leave. As they were getting their strength back to leave, they heard footsteps again. They were quiet and faded, yet it sounded close. They looked at eachother in panic.
"Did it come back?" Tsukishima just shrugged.

"Hello?" They heard a voice whisper, they almost missed it due to it's quietness.
"Terrence?" Seiji whispered.
"Oh fuck, yes its me" her voice cracked. Tsukishima and Seiji walked out into the hallway. She was holding a pipe in her hand, squeezing it tightly.
Seiji squeezed her shoulder, her teary eyes looking into his. He hugged her tight.
"We have find Yoshida." She let go, and the guys nodded.
"If we retrace our steps, i think i can show where which way he ran."
"Even if this doesn't look like it, thus also a maze of some sort. I literally walked in circles 4 times while trying to find you. It will be hard" she said.
"We have to"
"I didn't mean it like that, dumbass, I'm just saying it's gonna be real fuckin difficult," she looked at the ground, "i just hope he's alright"
"Stop it, we have to go" Seiji started walking away. Fighting with eachother was the last thing they needed.

They were walking for a while. It was much more difficult without a working a watch.
"This is it." They looked around, not sure if it actually was the place.
"Are you sure Seiji? Everything looks the same to me" Terrence asked.
"I'm sure."
"That way," Tsukishima pointed "I'm pretty sure he went that way"
"Does he not have any survival instinct?" Terrence said. The way he chose was the darkest, foggiest hallway she saw yet.
"We have no choice. And im pretty sure you didn't check every hallway you ran into." Seiji defended him.
"Shut up, both of you" Tsukishima shined a flashlight in the hallway. It was even creepier, he had to admit, this was a terrible choice Yoshida.
"Come on" he turned to look at his friends faces, and when they nodded, started walking into the hallway.

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