ch. 08

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She turned around, hearing noises from behind them. She gently pushed Tsukishima into a room. What she saw surprised her.

"Oh God Seiji! Yoshida!" Terrence yelled and ran to hug them.
"Terrence, holy shit" seiji said. She hugged them tightly. Yoshida even shed a few tears.
"Thank God you're here! We've been looking everywhere for you!" She said, then letting them go from the tight hug.
" 'We'? " Yoshida asked. Right after he did, Tsukishima walked out of the room, revealing himself. Both their eyes lit up.
"Tsukishima!" Yoshida jumped into his arms.
"I'm so glad to see you!" He said.
"Yea me too." Tsukki said. He was happy that they found each other. But still one person was missing...

Yoshida let go and let Seiji hug him too.
"How long have you been here?" Asked Terrence.
"Uhh we don't know" Seiji answered.
"Time is weird in here" he continued.
Terrence nodded in acknowledgment.
"Come sit, we have a lot to talk about. They all sat down in a circle. Not any of them wanted to start do conversation.
"So.. uhm.. do you remember how you got here?" Seiji asked.
"Nope, not at all. The last thing i remember was that me and Yoshida jumped down the rock. Nothing else." Terrence explained.
"I was being chased by Makoro, i turned a corner and then... Well that's all i remember" Tsukishima said.
"How is this possible? Do you think we all blacked out and he pulled a prank on us?" Terrence questioned.
"No it definitely isn't a prank. Look around you, you think we have friends smart enough to pull a prank like this?" Tsukishima said.
"Damnit you're right, but it's still, i don't know? Its fucking weird and terrifying, we practically spawned at a random place with no escape." Terrence said as she covered her face in her knees.
"You're wrong about that one..... I think"
Yoshida pulled out his notebook from his backpack.
"I completely forgot about that" seiji scratched his head.
"We found a room with a cabinet. There were some interesting things in there. For instance, there was paperwork about this place. I wrote it down" Tsukishima scanned the notebook.
"Why didn't just take the whole paperwork?" Terrence asked.
"It was written on it, 'do not take, leave for other wanderers' " Seiji explained.
"That means someone was here before us. Long, long before us. So there is an exit."
Terrence and Tsukishima looked at the paper in disbelief.
"Okay what the fuck?" Tsukishima yelled.
"And the good news is, we found the exit. The bad news, Makoro is still missing." Yoshida tried to comfort them.
There were a few seconds of silence until Seiji spoke up.
"Well we did find the exit, but them Yoshida heard something and we ran"
"Something? Like what?" Terrene asked.
"It doesn't matter" Yoshida said.
"Uhh it definitely does"
"No, it doesn't" he opened his notebook and flipped through the book, and read out loud "Hallucinations are common in Level 0, the most common being:
Human-like speech resembling no known language. That was what i heard"
"That means it's safe to go. Come on" Seiji stood up.
"But we do need to find Makoro first." Terrence said, not moving from her position. They can't leave without him.
"I dont think so" Tsukishima said and before Terrence could even look at him he continued.
"Let me explain, i turned a corner and ended up here, you and Terrence jumped down a rock and Seiji fell on the ground."
"Where are you going with this?" Yoshi asked.
"The thing is, everyone somehow fell. And Makoro didn't. I know I'm not explaining it very clearly. But i don't think Makoro is even here." Kei said.
"What? No that's stupid, we cant just leave." Terrence raised her voice at him.
Seiji thought for a while before saying:
"I get what you're trying to say and it does make sense."
Terrence look at seiji with betrayed eyes. That can't be true.
"Imagine he is here, and we just leave him here alone, confused and scared. You can't be serious!" She turned to Yoshida, expecting back up, but he avoided her eyes.
"It makes sense. Maybe it's not as clear as we would want but you have to agree there's some truth to his theory. And who knows if we ever find the exit again, this is an endless labyrinth, We should try to find on our way back to the exit. If we won't find him, we'll leave."
"Fine, I guess"
"I'm not so sure about this, but alright."
They got off the ground, Tsukishima offered a hand to Terrence and helped her stand up.
"Also i almost forgot" Seiji took out three gas masks from his backpack and gave them to everyone.
"Someone left them in the drawers. I have two more, for me and for Makoro." He explained.
"Alright, we'll try to trace back our steps, we'll call out for Makoro once in a while. Once we find the path to the exit again we have to stay on it. No running off you hear me? We're in this together." Everyone nodded to his words, Terrence checked if it was safe out and they went on their way.

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