ch. 05

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Load of bullshit

That's what this is.

It's been a month and a half since their disappearance.

No one found anything other than a stupid keychain that belonged to Terrence.


It doesn't make any damn sense.

They couldn't have just disappeared.

It's a forest.

It's big but it's not big enough to completely disappear.

But it's dense enough to hide from helicopters.

The big trees with thick crowns are perfect for that.

But why the fuck would they hide?

He gripped the handles tighter.

He was flying on the highway, carelessly riding between cars, just so he'd get there sooner.

That was an advantage of having a motorcycle. He could ride in between cars smoother and he didn't have to worry about scraping a car. He was slim and could fit between them with ease.


His eyes are getting wet.

Stop it

Im almost there anyway

But his brain didn't listen

His eyes are getting blurry

Cars in front of him blend into the road.

The dark sky looks even more depressing then before.

It was a mistake to ride in the dark. But there's no turning back now. His family and friends warned him to not go to the forest. "It will just bring back bad memories" they said.

And they were right. But if the police can't find his friends, he will do it himself.

"Turn right"

He was startled by the Voice of Google maps. He was so distracted by his thoughts he forgot where he was going.

He grips the break tightly and turns right.


It was too late

"18 year old boy gone missing after a motorcycle accident.... body found yet."


Everything hurts

What happened?

Takahiro opens his eyes

It's tough to adjust to the sudden bright light.

A weird smell immediately fills his nose.

What is this...

A hospital maybe?

He hates hospitals.

He turns onto his stomach, and uses his hands to push himself up.

It was tough but after a while of fighting with his weak arms, he sits up.


"Where the fuck....?"

He looks around, bright sky, weirdly green grass and most of all,


Many, many yellow houses around him and in the distance.

This wasn't a hospital.

Blood is running down his arms.

But that is the least of his worries.
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