ch. 07

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Yoshida and Seiji

It feels like they've been walking for hours. Both of them checked their phones/watches, the time has stopped, they now had no idea how long they've been there or if it's even day or night. The place felt weird, the atmosphere too. It was hard to describe it. They were holding hands the entire time, afraid of loosing each other but without feeling the hold of one another it felt useless.

"So what do you think happened?" Seiji hesitantly asked.
"I'd rather discuss that with others. I want them here, and to be safe before we look into it." Yoshida sadly explained.
"Alright" Seiji said and they continued walking. After a few minutes he asked again.
"Do you think they're here?" He asked.
"I'm sure. But i don't want to think about any other answer" Yoshida answered.
"What about you? Do you not?" Yoshida asked, trying to keep the conversation running.
"Well... Im not sure. I mean you are here so there is a possibility but..... If not....." He drifted off, not wanting to say it.
"I know" Yoshida said looking at him. They were both afraid of being alone. It would be their only hope if others were here. Yoshida didn't think they'd stay sane for even a day.
"We have to look harder for them. Maybe sometimes yell for them." Yoshida suggested.
"Yea that's probably a good idea." Seiji nodded.
"We should call for them now, just incase" he continued.
"Alright" they stopped walking before seiji cleared his throat.
"Tsukishima! Terrence! Makoro! Anyone there!?" He waited a few seconds before continuing.
"Hello!?" Both were quiet as a mouse, incase they heard an answer from the distance.


Nothing. Yoshida sighed.
"W- we'll try again later. Don't worry" Seiji put his arm on Yoshida's shoulder.
"Alright." Yoshida said as they started to walk again.

After about half an hour of walking Seiji spotted something in the corner of his eye.
"Wait! Stop!" He quickly pulled Yoshidas hand back.

"Ow! What is it??" Yoshida shrieked before looking at what Seiji was pointing at.
"Oh" it was an arrow. It had "escape" written on it. When they looked in the way it was pointing they saw more arrows, showing the way.
" 'Escape'? are there people in here other that us?" Seiji wondered.
"No, they had to be before us. They must know this place very well. How else would they write a path of arrows to the escape?" Yoshida disagreed. It made sense, right? I mean- of course it did.
"You're right... But should we trust it and go check it out?" Seiji asked.
"What about Kei, Terrence and Makoro? We should just leave them here?" Yoshida asked. He did want to leave as soon as he could, but knowing that his friends could be trapped there, stopped him from doing so.
"We won't leave them here. We should go check it out to see if it's legit." Seiji said.
"Before that, I'll call for them again." Seiji cleared his throat again and...
"Tsukishimaa! Terrence! Makoro! Anyone there? Me and Yoshida are together! Please, anyone?!!" They stayed silent. But still nothing. They both sighed.
"Well, let's get going" he said. Seiji was looking for the arrows and Yoshida was looking for any movement.

As they want deeper and deeper, it got darker. The lights were flickering, sometimes not even working. This lit a lightbulb in Seiji's head.
"Wait! I have and idea!" He abruptly stopped and Yoshida ran straight into him.
"Ow! What is it again?" Yoshida said while rubbing his face where he got hit.
"Sorry, anyway take out your flashlight. I completely forgot about them." Seiji said as he was kneeling down. Yoshida soon following him. They got out their flashlights, both of them were working. Yoshida asked Seiji:
"You're a genius! But do we have any spare batteries?" Seiji looked through his backpack.
"Uhh.. i got two spare batteries. I thought you would have at least one." Seiji showed him the batteries.
"I do but they're for my camera, not flashlight. I think Terrence had some spare." Yoshida rubbed his head.
"Wait! The camera!" His head snapped as he looked through his backpack agresively.
"What about it?" Seiji asked confused.
"We can record this place!"
"Really? We're in Gods-know-where and you worry about your vlog?" Seiji looked at him unimpressed.
"No! Not for my vlog but once we get out, we can give it to the police! I doubt they'll believe us without it." Yoshida explained.
"True, but you shouldn't use them all the time so they'll last longer" Seiji gave in. Yoshida was right. He doubted that anyone would believe them without photo evidence. So he put the camera on,
"Alright but I'm sure it will survive. After all, we'll soon be out of here"

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