Chapter 2

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As we wake up and head out to my car, I feel neither excited nor sad. Just dreading this lonely, long drive. I say goodbye to my friends, who are still laying in bed.

"Try not to have sex in my room," I say and laugh as I close the door behind me.

I'm not as close with the friends I live with as I am with some of the older girls from the sorority so I'm not really sad about missing out on a summer in Reno.

It's just Sean and I standing outside my car. We don't really know what to say to one another but not being with him starts to sink in. Our eyes water as we look at each other and he pulls me into him. His muscles latch me tight.

"Call or text me when you stop for gas, Parks." The only nickname anyone calls me.

"I will babe."

"We'll figure this out! Who knows, maybe I'll find myself in Vegas. There are a lot of opportunities out there."

"Yeah I guess we'll see. I love you Sean," the tears really start to come now, which is mostly because this could perhaps be a chapter of my life ending. Reality sets in. "It's going to be hard, but life has a way of working things out you know?"

He nods, "I love you too. Drive safe. Call me."

We shared one last hug and one long kiss. If there was one thing Sean and I were good at, it was kissing. Every now and then when we'd be talking about all this lovey dovey romance, we'd always bring up how blissful our kiss was, as if our lips were the perfect match for each other. I'm going to miss it.

I stop at the gas station to fill up the tank and get some snacks for the road. First and foremost, I find the coffee. I fill the largest cup and add two packs of sugar. I also grab a few protein bars, some beef jerky, and a banana. These should last me until the halfway point. I return to my car where I had the gas pumping while I was in the store, remove the fuel nozzle and hop in. Just as I do any time in my car, I plug in my iPod and get the music set. A pick me up is much needed. I skim through and eventually select a song by Katy Perry. "Waking Up in Vegas". Seems right for the occasion. I crank the volume and find my way to the freeway.

Once I get halfway, I call my dad to give him an update.

"So what time will you be home? I'm making dinner so don't make plans. Just you, me and Megan."

Megan is my little sister. Just about to finish up her senior year of high school and likely to join me at school in Reno. We get along just fine, but have different interests. She's into rock concerts, late nights sneaking out with the stoner kids, and spends a lot of time on the computer looking at who knows what. She's a lesbian and damn proud of it. She's not totally the butch type lesbian; she still loves her long hair, but her wardrobe is rather tomboy. When she gets dolled up, you wouldn't think she's a lesbian but most of the time she's wearing baggy jeans and boy's shirts with a hat backwards.

"Do you think dad will flip?"

"If you wore a suit instead of a dress to graduation? Yes."

"Well screw it, he knows who I am and I'm not gonna pretend to be someone I'm not."

"You do you, Megan, but I'd tell him before you catch him off guard the day of."

She came out a year ago to my mom and I, and we all had a hunch but of course we love her and let her decide how she wanted to handle telling us. My dad on the other hand didn't take it as well. He left numerous pamphlets on the kitchen counter where she made breakfast in the morning; as if that was going to change her mind on things. She eventually started giving him the silent treatment and spending more time in her room until one day they had a long talk. I don't know all the details, but I do know that everything seems fine. He still isn't too thrilled with her clothing choices though.

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