Chapter 9

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When we arrive, a black SUV is waiting with a bald, very fit gentleman, holding the backseat door open. Claire slides in and I follow.

"Thank you," I say to him.

"And where are we going this evening, Claire?" He hops in the driver's seat; his voice is friendly. He seems like the kind of guy to make jokes at everything and be easy going, but could also beat the shit out of a group of guys.

Claire turns to me, directing the question my way as she can't read my mind and know where we're going. I clear my throat.
"Uh West Acres Park."

He types the park into the GPS and we went on our way. Claire asked Edan to turn her playlist on; I love music and I seem to really like this girl so getting more in her head to know what musical taste she has fascinates me. A song plays that I had never heard before which takes me by surprise, because I assume I know all the good stuff.

It's mellow and suits this drive from the strip filled with lights to the suburbs perfectly. I look at the navigation screen and see an artist name and song title, "Fears" by MTNS. Never heard of them. I'm tempted to pull out my phone to make a note of the song, but I realize I will never forget it.

I turn my head left to see Claire staring out her window. She's taking in every moment of this night just as I am. I look forward through the windshield and see that we're getting close. Edan pulls onto West Acre Drive and slows down. The park is on the left but where we're going is a little up the road.

"Should I park in the main lot?" He notices the park and an empty parking lot on the right.

"Actually, if you just keep going until you get to the stop sign, then turn left, there will be a cul-de-sac leading up towards the mountain." This starts to look sketchy; a dirt road heading towards the mountains. It wasn't until we turned into the cul-de-sac that Claire's face lit up.

"Okay it's not so creepy anymore," Edan makes us both giggle.

It's an entire view of the city. Something most tourists never get to see. Definitely a local spot, just as Claire would like.

"This is amazing!" She takes a deep breath, looks to me to smile, and looks back at the view on our left.

Edan pulls a flashlight from the glove box and opens his door to walk outside. I look at Claire confused.

"He's just giving us some privacy. He's found ways to occupy himself over the years." Claire says like it's a typical routine.

I feel nervous again and wipe my clammy hands on the expensive sweatpants she gave me.

"Would you consider this a date?" She asks abruptly.

I'm taken back by her question because I'm not exactly sure how to answer it or what this all even means.

I speak softly, "I'm not sure, would you?" I turn the question on her in hopes she'd make more sense of it, "I've never done anything like this."

"Anything like this at all or anything like this with a girl?"

"With a girl. I had a boyfriend for a few years but to be honest with you, I've never felt such a rush with him as I have these last few hours. I don't know what this all means." I tilt my head back against my headrest and turn to Claire. She hasn't stopped looking at me.

"There's nothing wrong with a little curiosity," she acts like she's been with a girl before and I'm more intrigued to know about it, "Your heart will tell you everything you need to know about someone. It will know right away if a person is going to be important. At least that's what I believe." Her voice is so soft and soothing.

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