One Shot

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Y/n POV:
I rubbed my sweaty palms with a handkerchief as I awaited Ha Rin to pick me up for our date. She had texted that she would pick me up at 7pm.

But it was just 5 in the afternoon. I was a little eager since basically it was our first date ever as a couple. Our (adopted) parents and grandmother didn't know they just probably thought since our family's were good friends, we were best friends.

I can't believe she confessed to me last week. And our freshman year was just ending. I sighed dreamily. I still can't believe we hit it off. We were basically different. Ha Rin and I were polar opposites. But as they unlike attract.

I was still bored out of mine since it had just reached 6 in the evening. I had done my hair and even put on a little makeup which I normally don't. Maybe I was doing too much but too much is also enough.

I basically just scrolled through my social media looking at all the comments praising me for my smarts and looks. It was nice to see people thirsting over you. But sometimes they crossed limits which led to someone going to jail but anywho Ha Rin was still there.

It was now 7 and I was nervously walking up and down. A habit I had always used to calm my nerves down but for some reason, it didn't seem to work together.

One of our maids informed me that Ha Rin had arrived. My dad rather sent me a lot of money urging me to hang out with Ha Rin and have fun. I walked into first main living room which was where Ha Rin was.

Ha Rin was looking down at her phone. She was wearing her latest LV dress which had been gifted to her by her grandmother. She also had her hair in waves. I looked down at my clothes wondering if I had underdressed.

I slowly tried to walk back quietly to change but the stupid heels I wore made me fall making Ha Rin look up to see me on the floor on my face. I was pretty sure it was embarrassing.

I felt my face reddened as Ha Rin approached me seemingly concerned and amused at the sight of me. She gave me her hand as she pulled me up.

"Are you okay? Your face seems a little red. Are you sure you can still go out if you are not we can just-" Ha Rin said worriedly which was interrupted by her Y/n.

"No I'm fine. It just weather. It's like so hot right now. Like the sun is blazing." Y/n rambled.

"Y/n are you okay? You do know the sun has set right. And it's spring it's rather cool than hot right now. I think we should sit out this outing of ours for now" Ha Rin requested as she placed her hand against her forehead to check her temperature.

I just really made a fool out of myself, didn't I. I'm a really terrible liar aren't I.

"No. We can still go. I'm fine everything is fine." Y/n said as if to convince herself rather than Ha Rin.

"If you say so" Ha Rin looked at her concerned and just held her with a gentle touch. One as if she held her tightly she would break.

Ha Rin entered the car with Y/n giving a rose in the car. Y/n collected the rose with guilt since she hadn't thought of anything. Ha Rin was even taking her on a suprise date. Ha Rin planned the date and I didn't even do anything.

Ha Rin noticed her little look of disappointment and shame. Pulling her face up to face her, Ha Rin kissed her cheek making her face turned a deep shade red.

"I know you are ashamed you didn't do anything but I want to treat you. Just relax and I will take care of you." Ha Rin said holding my hand giving it a little squeeze which made me feel a whole less guilt-free.

We arrived at a park. Ha Rin pulled me outside the car and took me deeper where we sat on a bench. It seemed like the trees were yet to bloom.

"I wanted our date to be more memorable you know. You know we being rich and all being able to afford everything. I thought that it wouldn't feel special if I took you to some fancy place. So today was when cherry blossoms would bloom. So I thought why not use today as our date" Ha Rin said softly and lovingly as she stared at me like I was the only one here.

It was on like cue when the trees flowers started to blossom. Ha Rin brought out a box which contained a ring. It was a matching couple ring. I gasped at the beauty.

"I know it is a little too early to be giving you a ring and all but just like how cherry blossoms represent true love I want to promise you that I will love for as long as I'm alive. I truly do like you Y/n." Ha Rin said wearing one of rings, caressing my fingers sliding on the ring on.

I marveled at the sight of Ha Rin who seemed rather nervous. Ha Rin from childhood barely showed emotions even up until now. Rather from anger, hate and possibly love she rarely felt anything than that.

I leaped into her arms surprising her making her eyes widen. Easing into the hug, she hugged me back under the now blooming tree. We spent the night talking until we went home. What a beautiful memory we made together.

This oneshot doesn't connect with the story. Ha Rin hasn't confessed to Y/n and Y/n is quite naive about that. Y/n truly did like Ja Eun as a friend which really made her react like that.  I wonder who do you want to get Y/n: Ja Eun or Ha Rin y'all comment.

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