Planning The Escape

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Soo Ji was now sitting on a chair with tissues on a table beside her. She was looking at her phone which on her screen showed results from the previous pyramid game. It seemed she was at the convenience store which she frequently visited. When suddenly someone, the usually part timer, dropped a gimbap on the table.

"It is to be disposed. It's ten minutes past it's expiration date but it won't kill you." He said which Soo Ji looked up to him wondering.

"It won't kill me." She repeated after he went inside as she bit into it and sighed steadily.

Ja Eun was now at an internet cafe as she stared at the screen unblinking. On the screen showed a dropout form which seemed to be filled already. With no hesitation, she clicked print.

Soo Ji was now looking at a bulletin board near the stairs in the main building. A poster which said it was all for fun, violence is not a joke. Her hands were clenching as she thought.

"Our class. The teacher doesn't know anything about it. Or he would help us. He knows so well on the personal information of each students. He always help students like Ja Eun."

Soo Ji walked down the hallway as her teacher coincidentally walked down from the other side.

How many school violence bullying cases are being handled properly. Out of 10, only one is handled properly.

She got stopped by the teacher which made her look surprised.

"Ja Eun hasn't be coming to school. Do tell me if anything happens in class. Personal concerns are okay too." Mr Im said with a convincing smile on his face.

He's unexpectedly caring. Whether it works or not, we need a new plan anyways.

"Well, Mr Im." Soo Ji started before she got interrupted.

"Mr Im." Soo Ji and Mr Im turned to see Do A. "The principal wants to see you."

Soo Ji and Do A had a small smiling contest which Mr Im looked at both at them due to the tension between the two. Mr Im was now with another teacher, his coworker, as they walked down the path for exiting the school.

"You're going to Ja Eun's house."


"I know she hasn't been coming to school." The other teacher started as Soo Ji stopped to look at the two. "You look uncaring but you are unexpectedly delicate."

Will he be able to call a school violence committee even if the assailant is the chair's daughter?

"Sung Soo Ji." Do A called out which the two teachers turned to look at them.

"I guarantee you. The more you keep it up, the more the situation will worsen."

"On what grounds?" Soo Ji questioned.

"Up until now, only two people opposed against this game."

They were now in class as a teacher was in front.

"Today, we will be talking about Baruch Spinoza's-"

Which two opposed against this game? So what? They all conform later to the game. Is this your grounds, Seo Do A? That means Ha Rin made her submit. There's a week until the next game. What should I do if Y/n doesn't vote for me like she promised? I did push her but she did apologize. Will I be able to escape from Grade F?

Soo Ji was in the infirmary as she sat up on the bed. The health officer there took her temperature.

"You have a slight fever. You can't stay here for two periods in a row. Return to your classroom for now, and if later you can't bear it you can leave school early if you want."

Pyramid Game (Ha-rin X Reader X Ja Eun)Where stories live. Discover now