the new kid

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"Eddie! Wake up!" Wayne yelled as he walked into his room. "Your first day of high school. You aren't going to be late, no excuses kiddo." He spoke softly but raspy. Eddie groaned and sat up. "Okay, okay. I'm up. What's for breakfast?" Eddie muttered as he slipped his shirt off and dug in the pile of black tees to find another. "I'm makin eggs and bacon, that okay with you?" Wayne said and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "Yeah, yeah- hey, is my Metallica shirt in the washer? I need it." Wayne stared at him for a moment. "I don't know, go look, I have to get breakfast started." Wayne sighed and walked into the kitchen. Eddie groaned and just forgot about it for now. He pulled his pants and boxers off and then got in the shower. He washed his hair throughly and then his body. He then dried himself off and wrapped a towel around his waist as he did his hair. All he did was brush it, but that counts as something. He put on some new boxers and a pair of black jeans. "Fuck! Wayne I need my shirt!" He groaned and looked in the laundry room. He couldn't find it so he just wore a W.A.S.P tee that had the sleeves cut off. He put on a belt, a belt chain, and a jacket. He then went into the kitchen and quickly made himself a plate of breakfast. "Thanks." Eddie said softly and sat down to eat it. Once Eddie finished eating Wayne had already left for work. Eddie grabbed the keys to his van, went outside, and drove to school.

Steve woke up to his alarm and he groaned. He slapped the top of it to turn it off and then he got out of bed. He went into his bathroom, got undressed, took a shower and once he was done he got dressed. He had to wait until his hair was damp for him to do his hair. He was wearing a blue sweater with stripes and some jeans, along with some Rebooks. Once his hair felt damp enough he did his hair and put the Farrah Fawcett hair spray all in his hair. He coughed softly and then went downstairs. He grabbed a bowl out of his cupboard and then a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator, and then some cereal. He poured both the items into the bowl. He put the two items up, grabbed a spoon and sat down so he could eat his breakfast. Once he finished he put the bowl in the sink and went outside. Steve got in his car and drove to school.

Once Eddie arrived at school he went to the front office to get the code to his locker, since he was new. "thank you, my lady." He said to the lady at the front desk and then he walked out. He looked around and eventually found his locker. He opened it and shoved all of his books inside of it, besides the ones he needed for the next class, and then he closed it. He walked into his first period and sat down in the back. His first period was English, which of course had to be his worst subject. "Eddie Munson! Nice seeing you here, my name is Miss. Aser(pronounced ace-her). What town are you coming from?" Eddie cleared his throat and leaned his head back a little. "Oklahoma. Tulsa, Oklahoma."

Steve walked into the school and got his locker code from the front office as well. He was used to this school, since he went here with his mother when she worked here a couple of years ago. He put his books into his locker that he didn't need and then he walked into class, which just happened to be Miss Asers class. He sat closer to the front, next to his friend Tommy. Tommy and Steve were close because they've known each other since elementary school. The teacher greeted him and smiled at him softly. "And you are Steve Harrington. Nice to meet you, I'm Miss. Aser." Steve simply nodded and laughed. "Aser? More like ass-er." He whispered to Tommy and they both started to laugh. Tommy kept looking back at a kid with somewhat long hair, he looked like he should be in middle school. "Who is that kid? Can't tell if it's a boy or a girl." Tommy said and shook his head while laughing. "The new kid." Steve muttered. Tommy stared at him for a moment. "Aren't we all new kids, Steve?" He said in a quiet voice. Steve groaned and shook his head. "Yeah, but he's an actual new kid. He just moved to Hawkins you smart-ass."

Eddie felt all kinds of eyes on him. Maybe it was because he was wearing makeup, or maybe it was because his hair was long, or maybe it was because he had a band tee on. He didn't know. A girl sat beside him and smiled at him softly. "Hey," she whispered and leaned into him a bit. "My name is Wendy. What yours?" She said in a slow and soft voice. "Eddie. Eddie Munson." Eddie spoke and looked at her. She kept getting closer and closer to his face. "Nice to meet you Eddie. You know, I think you are real cute. Maybe we should hang out some time, get to know eachother." She whispered and smiled at him. Eddie simply nodded and sunk into his seat shyly. He didn't like girls, he never had. It felt weird to him, dating a girl- they were all clingy and all they cared about was sex. That's how he saw it.

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