thats metal man

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Eddie got out of the car pretty quickly once they arrived and he opened the front doors of the movie theatre. Steve walked in behind him and laughed softly. "Thank you." He said softly. Eddie smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Steve chuckled a bit and they both walked up to the counter so they could get tickets. "Uhh, two tickets to Jaws please. And I'd like a Coke and um.. some M&Ms." Steve smiled and handed the lady the cash. She glared at them and took the money.

"I'd like a Coke and some gummy worms. Thanks pretty girl." He nodded a little and leaned his head against Steve a bit. She rolled her eyes and handed them both a Coke and then gave them their candy. "Thank you for paying Stevie. I promise I'll pay you back." He laughed and they walked into the movie room.

Steve sighed a bit and followed him. He didn't mind being with Eddie this time. Sure he didn't like people being gay but Steve felt some sort of way this time, he liked it. He liked the way Eddie acted. He was goofy, and funny and had manners. As the movie went on Steve's head slowly fell against Eddie's shoulder and he was almost asleep.

Eddie looked down at him and gently ran his fingers through his hair. He felt good about tonight. He wanted to ask Steve so badly to just be his boyfriend, but he didn't know how Steve would react knowing his hatred toward gay people. Eddie groaned a bit and just tried focusing on the movie.

When the movie ended Steve was asleep. Eddie shook him awake and laughed softly. "Stevieee, the movie is over. Let's go sleepy head." Steve groaned softly and wiped his eyes. He slowly got up and stretched his arms out. "Did you like the movie?" Steve asked and walked out of the room with Eddie. "Yeah, I did. It was funny. The shark looks sooo fake."

Steve laughed softly and nodded. "I need to piss, do you?" He muttered and started walking to the bathroom. "Yeah I do." Eddie laughed and followed him. They both did their business and then washed their hands. "Hey, Eddie. So I've been thinking.. um. I have a crush on someone and I'm really scared that they think I don't like them." Steve stared up at Eddie.

Eddie's eyes went slightly wide and a grin grew on his face. "Well well Stevie has a crush? Come on, tell me about her." Eddie tilted his head and Steve cleared his throat slightly. "Well um.. they're really sweet, goofy, smart.. they play the guitar, dungeons and dragons.. their hair is so pretty honestly. They don't care what people think about them." Eddie stared at him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"That person.. it rings a bell. Perhaps you've hung out with them recently?" Eddie grinned at him and Steve nodded. "We hung out today actually." Steve muttered. Eddie cupped Steve's face in his hands and smiled at him. "Well I think that person likes you too. I think they were just scared to admit it."

Steve cleared his throat and stared into Eddie's eyes. They were dark, like coal burning under a fire. His smile was perfect, the lines that formed when he smiled were adorable. The way he talked, he could listen to his voice for hours. Steve didn't know why he suddenly felt this way but he couldn't get over it. "Woah there Stevie did I loose you?" Eddie snapped in his face and laughed softly.

Steve laughed as well and shook his head. "No, man I'm alright. Just surprised." He said softly. "Gosh think about how I feel, I thought you were a homophobic dick who didn't care about anyone besides himself." Eddie kissed him and smiled with that same dorky smile like he always did. Steve's eyes blew up like saucers and he laughed nervously.

"I like you too Steve. A lot. Your a good guy, you just hang out with the wrong people." Eddie said softly and kept holding Steve's face. Steve smiled and hugged Eddie somewhat tightly. "Thank you. I know I do, but they're my only friends man." Steve sighed a bit. Eddie shrugged and looked down at him. "Well you got me now don't you? And hey, Robin isn't that bad when you get to know her. You know that don't you? Being gay isn't people's entire personality."

Steve nodded and pulled Eddie's hands away from his face. "Yeah I know. It was just an in the moment thing, I didn't really mean to get all mad at her and everything.. I do think she's a funny girl. A real funny girl." Steve laughed softly. "Come on Stevie, I really don't think we should be having a talk like this in a movie theatre bathroom." Eddie grabbed his hand and walked out with him.

Once they got to the car they both got in and Steve smiled softly. "Thank you for tonight Eddie. It was great. And um- maybe we could hang out more, now that we're boyfriend and boyfriend?" Eddie nodded as he spoke and began to drive. "Definitely man. You can start sitting with me at lunch and stuff, like a normal couple does you know?" Steve looked outside and cleared his throat.

"Maybe not that, Eddie. I just- don't want us to be seen. It's nothing about you it's just-" Steve messed with his hands and looked down at his shoes. "I don't know. I just think that's a little too big of a step right now." Eddie bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. "Yeah, yeah I understand. Have a good night Stevie." Eddie pulled up to Steve's house and dropped him off. Steve was gonna let him use the car so he didn't have to walk all the way back to his trailer.

Steve waved at him and walked inside of his house. Eddie sighed and then drove away. When he got back to his trailer he shoved the car keys into his pockets and walked inside. "Wayne! I got a boyfriend!" He yelled and hugged his uncle tightly. "Good on you kiddo, I hope he's a good kid."

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