obey your master

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TW: mentions of sexual assault
authors note: since billy is gonna be alive, robin is gonna be living where max lives in the trailer park :)

Once the tryouts ended, Steve was finally able to go home. Before he did, he decided to quickly take a shower. He went into the locker room and then went into the showers that they had. Billy Hargrove was using the shower next to him. "well well, long time no see huh stevie?" Billy said and stared at him with a shit eating grin. Steve ignored him. His past with Billy wasn't something he wanted to remember. Billy took advantage of him, he made him do all kinds of stuff to him and he told Steve if he told anyone he'd kill him. Obviously the word did get out, and Steve's parents made him go to church and get baptized so his sins would be forgiven. Steve hated to think about it, he didn't like to remember. So he built a wall, in his mind, to save him from that. So he couldn't remember. "Billy, please. Just leave me alone. I'm not like you and I never will be. I'll never like you." Steve finally said after a while of pure silence. Billy rolled his eyes and slapped the back of Steve's head. "You don't tell me what to do Harrington. Just know that it is your fault that it happend. Not mine. You were asking for it." Billy muttered and walked out of the shower. Steve stared down at his feet for a few minutes and then walked out as well. He dried off and put his clothes back on. "fuck.." He muttered. He grabbed his school bag and sat down on the bleachers for a moment before he was approached by a girl. She had short, dirty blonde hair, freckles, and an instrument in her hand. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked and say down beside him. "My name is Robin. You seem down, you wanna hang out at my place? We can gossip. I bet it was that Billy guy. He sure is mean isn't he? I don't know how he lives with himself, it's crazy-" She ultimately stopped herself from ranting and she looked at Steve with a grin. "Um.. sure. My name is Steve." Robin nodded and held her hand out. "Nice to meet you Steve."

Eddie got home and walked into his bedroom. "Sorry I'm late, sweetheart." He said and walked up to his guitar. He kissed two of his fingers and then strummed some of the guitars strings. He picked it up and pulled the strap over his neck. He then sat on his bed and grabbed a pick out of his drawer. Once he got situated he began to play Master of Puppets, his favorite Metallica song ever. Wayne groaned loudly and closed Eddie's door, since he was loud and he had to finish up working on the neighbors car. Eddie laughed and apologized quickly so he didn't mess up on playing the song. "Come crawling faster, obey your master, Your life burns faster, obey your master, master!" Eddie yelled out the lyrics as he played the guitar and he was banging his head like he was a mental patient. He always got lost in the music, so sometimes he would accidentally hit his head on the wall behind him. Eddie sat up a bit more and stared at the neck of the guitar so he didn't mess up on what he was playing. "Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams. blinded by me you can't see a thing, just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream.. Master! Master! Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream, master!" Eddie yelled and fell back onto his bed. He was practically out of breath, one because he was singing and two was because he finally played the song without messing up not once.

As the two walked to the double doors, Steve found some drawings on the ground. He could give them back to whoever they belonged to tomorrow. Robin grabbed Steve by his arm and dragged him outside. "I don't have a car, so you'll have to drive. I live at the Forest Hills trailer park, on Holland. You know where that is?" Robin asked as Steve unlocked his car and got in. "Err.. yeah, I know." Steve smiled a little and let her get in. "I'm so glad that we get to hang out, I thought you were so cool in middle school. I was so jealous of you. And you were such a doucebag, what happens with that? I think your pretty sweet. All my other friends are scared of you though, because you hang out with Tommy Hagan. He is such a dick. I don't know how he hasn't gotten expelled." Robin ranted on, and Steve listened. He enjoyed listening to her, even though they just met. Steve pulled up to her trailer and parked. Robin turned around and stared at the trailer in front of hers. "Eddie's playing the guitar again. He's really talented. You know I think he's in your first period. I am too." Robin said as she unlocked her front door. "Eddie? Is that the new kid with the long hair?" Steve muttered, kind of disgusted by the fact. Boys weren't supposed to have long hair, nor were they supposed to play an instrument. They were supposed to play sports. Steve walked into her trailer and went into her bedroom. "Yeah, that's the new kid. You leave him alone okay? Tommy may get you into something and trust me Eddie is a good kid." Robin said and sat down beside Steve. "I won't get into anything, Robin. Calm down." Steve laughed softly. Robin nodded and layed down beside him. "So.. what got you looking so sad earlier? Did Billy say something to you? I swear to god if he did ill make sure he doesn't again, because he's been a doucebag to everyone." Robin muttered. Steve looked at her and shook his head. "No, no we just- don't have a very good past together. That's all." Steve sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "I don't like talking about it."

Eddie got up and put his guitar on the stand. He was proud of himself. He went into the kitchen and grabbed himself one of Wayne's beer bottles and then went back into his room. He pulled his jeans off, along with his belt and belt chain, and layed down in his bed. Eddie sighed loudly and put the bottle on his bedside table and then pulled his shirt off. He only slept in underwear, because it was easier to get ready in the morning. He popped the bottle open with his teeth and he guzzled it down pretty quickly. He groaned a little and tossed it into a random box that was in his bedroom. Then, he layed down on his side and closed his eyes. His uncle was back at work by now so he was able to finally sleep without hearing him bang on shit outside. He closed his eyes, grabbed a random stuffed animal off his bed and hugged it, and finally fell asleep.

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