devil worshiper

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Eddie stared at himself in his bathroom mirror, it had been a few days after he and Steve had hung out. It was now a Thursday night. He was.. almost mad at himself, he wasn't sure why but he had a small crush on Steve. He slowly got undressed and he quickly took a shower. After he got out he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "You are not allowed to develop any kinds of feelings that are not disgust for Steve Harrington. His friends would beat the shit out of you! Not to mention he is in love with Nancy Wheeler and he's homophobic." Eddie said over and over to himself in the bathroom mirror.

The next morning Eddie woke up and got dressed, as usual. As he waited for his uncle to finish cooking he went outside and sat on the stairs that led up to his trailers door. He loved being outside, it was calming hearing the birds sing and talk to each other, to feel the wind blow through his hair, to see the sun slowly rise up in the sky, and to watch the clouds as they drifted away from view. "Eddie! Breakfast!" Wayne yelled out and Eddie scrambled to get up. He went inside and almost tripped over his own shoe laces. "God kid, you gotta get it together." Wayne chucked and handed him his plate- it was pancakes. Eddie smiled widely and sat down. "Thanks Wayne." Eddie finished the plate rather quickly, he was in a hurry since he wanted to talk to Steve to see if they could hang out again.

Eddie soon got up, tossed his plate in the trash and grabbed his keys to his van. "I'm gonna leave a little early today, I'll see you after school!" Eddie smiled at him and ran out to his van. He cranked it up and drove off, blowing loads of rocks out from behind his tires.

Steve didn't think again about hanging out with Eddie. He enjoyed it, but it wasn't anything special. Though what he found weird about it was that people were whispering his and Eddie's name, in the same sentence. There was no way that many people saw the two together, so he wasn't sure why they were talking about him. When he arrived at school that morning he saw Eddie looking really closely through all the crowds that came piling in through the schools front door. "Hey! Anyone know Steve Harrington? Yeah, like 'yay' high- broad shoulders, gorgeous lips, a mullet.." Eddie ultimately stopped himself when Steve accidently bumped into him. "Steve!" Eddie exclaimed and pulled him to the side.

"So I was thinking, could we hang out again tonight? I don't have nothin to do and I doubt you do. That sound okay? We can go to the movies, or dinner, or um.. well- whatever you want to really." Eddie smiled at him as he spoke and Steve just stood there with wide eyes. "Um.. Yeah, I guess we could. Did you tell anyone about me and you hanging out? People are talking about us." Steve was gripping his bag and he was leaned into Eddie a bit so he could hear. "No, no man I haven't said anything. Maybe Robin has? I mean she does live right in front of my trailer and you parked your car out there. It shouldn't be that big of a deal should it, Stevie?" Eddie asked with genuine concern in his voice.

Steve just shook his head. "No, no it's not. I'll see you tonight." Steve smiled and quickly walked off. He got his things out of his locker and went to his first class of the day. Throughout that class, he could feel Eddie's eyes- and probably others- on him. It drove him insane. "Harrington, did you and the Munson kid hang out? That's what I'm hearing. That is baddd juju. You hear that he worships the devil?" Tommy spoke and leaned into Steve slightly. "We didn't hang out. And no, I didn't hear about that. Just leave me alone for once won't you tommy?" Steve snapped back and gripped his pencil.

"Gosh Steve. He's rubbing off on you already." Tommy sighed and leaned back in his chair. As the day went on Steve heard more and more whispering and more and more straight up gossip. He drove home and fixed up his hair, more than usual. He changed into a decent looking long sleeve shirt, some jeans, and some cleaner tennis shoes.

Eddie didn't mind the gossip, but he knew Steve did. So whenever he was asked about it he just ignored them or said that they didn't hang out. It didn't help either of their cases too much, because Eddie was asking for Steve and he asked quite a lot of random people. Once Eddie got back to his trailer he fixed his hair, putting it into a messy bun, and he put on his hellfire shirt along with a leather jacket and his battle vest. He wore black jeans and a jean chain with it.

Steve drove to Eddie's house and picked him up. "Thank you for the ride Stevie." Eddie hummed and got into his car. "Yeah your welcome. What movie do you wanna see?" Steve was speaking low and pretty quiet. "Well I'm not sure yet, but since we watched what I wanted to watch the last time I was thinking maybe you could pick? I also feel bad for makin you pay so hopefully that could make up for it." Eddie smiled cheesily.

"I guess it could. Thanks for considering that." Steve laughed softly and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Eddie simply nodded and messed with the rings that he had decided to put on. Once they got there Eddie quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Steve. Steve hummed and smiled at him. "Thanks." He was definitely getting more comfortable being around Eddie, but he still felt.. weird. Like something was almost pulling the two together. He felt like they could truly be best friends if they wanted to. Maybe Steve actually had a crush. A crush.. on a guy.

not everyone is a freak (steddie) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz