infamous king steve

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Eddie loved horror movies, they always got his adrenaline running and he enjoyed making fun of the main character. Usually, they would always run upstairs, fall while being chased, or they would get outside and their car wouldn't start. Eddie could feel Steve flinch slightly everytime there was a jump scare. "We don't have to watch a scary movie if you don't want to, Steve. You know that don't you?" Eddie spoke softly and looked over at Steve. He was gripping a pillow. "Oh- yeah, I know. I want to watch it." Steve said simply, not taking his eyes off of the TV. Eddie simply shrugged and leaned his head back, staring at the roof of the trailer. It had cracks in it and leaned sometimes, but those things made it's "personality". That's how Eddie saw it. Eddie thought about those types of things a lot- even though he didn't like english, personification was one of his favorite things to learn about. He found it cute actually, giving inanimate objects a personality. He did it a lot. His guitar had a personality, his van, his shoes, his bed, and sometimes his clothes. He was a theatre kid at heart, and he had really good voice impressions, so enjoying doing things like that on top of enjoying personification was actually a really good trait. About an hour later, he snapped out of his thoughts- only because the movie had ended.

Steve cleared his throat at stared at Eddie for a while when the movie ended because he was just staring at the roof. Steve wanted to go home, it was extremely awkward between the two of them and he didn't enjoy it very much. "Stevie you know that I'm not forcing you to stay." Eddie said after a long pause of silence. "I know you aren't. It's just awkward. I'm being awkward." Eddie shrugged and crossed his arms. "And why is that? I'm being hospitable aren't I? And I'm not being awkward. What's up?" Steve knew that Eddie knew why he was acting awkward. It was obvious. "You know why, Eddie, I'm not gonna say it out loud." Steve sighed and messed with his fingers. Eddie laughed and stood up. "Your scared of just hanging out? God Steve I'm not gonna ask for a blow job or something. Get your ass off of Tommy's dick man not every gay person is bad." Eddie muttered. Steve glared at him for a moment and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not saying that." He was. All he did was listen to Tommy, because if he didn't they would stop being friends and then Steve would have practically no one. That's the only reason Steve remains friends with the sore loser. "You most definitely are, Stevie. But that's okay. I understand." Eddie shrugged and got another beer. "I just don't want you to start liking me. I really don't. I can't handle being sexually harassed again because of a stupid crush." Steve spat out and immediately bit his lip afterwards. He hadn't told anyone about what went down with him and Billy, and now he's practically spilling his guts out to Eddie.

Eddie whipped his head around to Steve and furrowed his eyebrows. "Sexually harassed- no, no Steve I would never do that. Never." His face went soft and he sat back down beside Steve. "Tell me what happend man." Eddie said softly and wrapped an arm around Steve comfortingly. Steve gulped and stared into his beer bottle. "I went over to Billy Hargroves house one day after school, we had a project. This was around 8th grade. We did the project and I sat down on his bed, just to relax for a bit before I went home. He got on top of me and um.. fucked me. I-i was 13." Steve said and gripped the bottle as he spoke. "He made me suck him off too. I didn't tell my parents but they found out and sent me to church." Eddie noticed his voice getting shaky so he pulled him into a hug. "It's okay Stevie. I got you. I wouldn't do that to you." Eddie sighed and moved his hand to the back of Steve's head. Steve was crying now, and making little "hic" sounds. "I haven't told anyone about it before. It was.. traumatizing to say the least. He blames it on me." Steve sighed.

Steve had one arm wrapped around Eddie's waist and the other one sat in his lap. His head was in Eddie's chest. "Thank you for trusting me with it then Steve. I won't tell anyone. Your a good guy and I'm sorry you had to give through that, okay?" Eddie was really soft spoken, Steve really didn't know how someone who looked so scary could be so sweet. "Okay. Thank you." Steve muttered and finally looked up at Eddie. "I-i should go now. I really appreciated this, this whole movie thing." Steve smiled a little and slowly got out of Eddie's grip. He stood up and wiped his eyes. "I'll see you at school okay?" Steve said and walked outside. Eddie walked after him and he leaned against the doorframe of the trailer. Steve turned around to face him and he smiled a little. "So... tonight was really good.. We should, um, do that again.. if you want to." Steve said and laughed nervously. Eddie tilted his head and smirked a bit. "Oh my my, did I break the infamous king Steve?" Steve shook his head and sighed. "Shut up, its- you know i-" Steve stuttered but got cut off by Eddie. "I would like that very much. 'Night Stevie." Eddie hummed and closed the door of his trailer. Steve heard the clicking of the locks on the door. He slowly got in his car and just stared at the door for a moment. "Goodnight, Eddie." He muttered and shoved his head against the steering wheel after a minute or so. "ugh.." He groaned out and after another minute or so he finally stepped on the gas and drove home.

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