being gay isnt normal

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Steve fell asleep as Robin was talking, and Robin didn't notice until she stopped talking. She laughed a little and moved him a bit on the bed so she could lay down beside him. She was a lesbian, so it didn't bother her if she was sleeping with a guy- besides, they just met and she didn't see Steve being like that anyway.

-time skip to the weekend-

The next morning Steve was the first one to wake up. He slowly got out of the bed without waking Robin and he sat down outside on her front porch. He looked at Eddie's trailer for at least an hour and a half before Eddie walked out. When Eddie he did, he sat in a lawn chair and started playing his guitar. Steve furrowed his eyebrows slightly and went into the living room of Robins trailer, pulling out the drawings he found a few days prior. It was signed by Eddie Munson, and Steve didn't know another Eddie so it had to be him. Steve cleared his throat and walked up to Eddie. "hey man, my name is Steve. I think you left these drawings in the gym a few days ago and I just wanted to make sure you got them back."

Eddie looked up at him and put his guitar down. "Oh, thanks man. You having a one night stand with the Buckley girl?" Eddie asked and took the papers from him. Steve cleared his throat and shook his head. "No, no I'm uh- we're just friends." Steve said nervously. Eddie was still only in his boxers, which made Steve uncomfortable, but boys will be boys- and Steve just assumed that Eddie had just woken up anyway. All boys usually didn't wear clothes to bed. "Don't sweat it, I was just kidding with you. Nice to meet you Steve. I hope you don't mind my appearance, I just woke up. But anyway.. I appreciate you bringing these back to me." Eddie smiled at him and stood up. "Oh - yeah, your welcome. They're really good by the way, I could never draw like that." Steve chuckled and put his hands into his pockets. "Ohh you totally could pretty boy. You just gotta practice, that's all." Eddie had this smug look to him, and he was flirty with everyone. He was also openly gay.

Steve knew that Eddie was gay. And he didn't want to be around someone like that in all honesty. He thought that all the gay people were exactly like Billy- all pushy and forceful. "Don't call me that." Steve said once he snapped back to reality. Eddie stared at him and cocked an eyebrow. "Woah woah don't go all haywire on me now, I was just kidding with you. I don't think your pretty." Eddie shrugged and picked up his guitar. Steve cleared his throat and started to walk away. "Heeeey hey, we should hang out! Next weekend, yeah?" Eddie said as he walked into his trailer. Steve shook his head and walked up to Robins door, being greeted by her right when he opened it. "Whatttt was that?" Robin asked as she let him inside. "What was what?" Steve stared at her as he slipped back off his shoes. "Oh my gosh. You totally have hots for the new kid! You can't deny it." Steve gagged at the thought. "I am not gay. And I never will be. Don't assume shit like that." Steve snapped back and sat down on the couch that was in her living room. Robin stared at him with her mouth open a little. "Steve...get out. You aren't going to talk to me like that. Get out." She practically yelled. "Why did it offend you out of all people? I thought you were cool." Steve groaned and got up. "Because I'm gay, Steve! I'm gay! And apparently you don't want to be around people that are gay. So get. out." Steve scoffed and shoved her out of the way as he walked out. "Whatever. I shouldn't want to hang out with a faggot like you anyway." Steve muttered and got into his car, turned it on, and then drove off.

Eddie watched this whole thing go down, and now he was regretting asking him to hangout. Sure, Eddie didn't have a crush on Steve but he did seem like a good guy. And if he was like that when he found out Robin was gay, Eddie would probably get his ass beat if Steve found out about him. Especially since Eddie flirted with the guy. But it wasn't on purpose- he flirts with everyone. It was just how he was. Eddie sighed softly and put on some pants and then a shirt before he decided to try and cheer Robin up. He knocked on her door and stared at her. "Hey.. don't worry- being gay isn't normal. But being normal sucks." He said and hugged her tightly, she burst into tears right then. "Why do you care Eddie? You were flirting with him.." Robin muttered through sobs. "I do it with everyone. I don't actually like him. Besides if he found out I was gay my ass would be grass." Eddie chuckled and closed the door behind him. "Listen. Maybe he'll straighten out. You guys seem like good friends if you two just- leave your differences aside. Trust me, he'll come to his senses." Eddie said softly.

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