horror movies and beer

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-this is gonna be longer than usual!!-

Steve didn't speak to Eddie throughout the day, but that wasn't unusual- they didn't know each other. Why would they speak? They had no reason to. At the end of the day, Steve was walking out of the school when he got stopped by the scrawny metalhead. "hey, steve? you think we could hangout sometime? maybe um.. maybe tonight?" Eddie looked up at him with a small grin on his face. "if your thinking of bringing me into that faggot shit im not doing it." Steve said simply and shoved one of his hands into his pockets. "no-.. that isn't what i mean. gosh. just two guys hanging out, why do you have to make everything about sexuality?" Eddie groaned and crossed his arms. "Because, gay people are.. weird." Eddie shrugged. "see you at 8, big boy." Eddie smirked a little and ran away. Steve shook his head and messed with his hair a bit. He didn't mind hanging out with him, but it would be weird. Steve didn't wanna associate himself with anyone that was gay. But it wouldn't hurt, and he had nothing else to do. He knew Eddie sold drugs so maybe he could get some of that. Steve wasn't necessarily into it-- he had no idea how to roll a joint, let alone smoke one-- but if it was free he'd definitely try it. Steve walked to his car and set his school bag in his passenger seat. He walked to the driver side door, opened it, got in, and closed the door back with a loud slam. He shoved the key into the hole and twisted it. The engine of the car roared as Steve drove off and headed home.

Eddie had a huge grin on his face the entire time he drove home. He skidded to a halt when he pulled up to the trailer and he pulled the key out of the keyhole. He ran inside and began to clean up the trailer to the best of his ability. Wayne wouldn't be home until later in the night so Eddie wouldn't be bombarded by questions on why he was cleaning. Wayne knew he was gay, so he'd definitely think it was a crush- but it wasn't. He just thought Steve was a good guy, just badly influenced. He wanted to get to know him better. After at least 2 hours of cleaning and getting the smell of weed out of his trailer, he was ready for Steve to come over. It was only 7:30, so he had to wait a while. He didn't mind, but it made him nervous- waiting. He bounced his knee up and down to the beat of random songs, he messed with the rings on his fingers that made a crackling sound because he had to tape them for them to fit, he messed with the chain on his jeans, he messed with his hair, he messed with tarrot cards that his uncle impulsely bought, and so when Steve knocked at the door he jumped a little. Eddie sighed softly, got up, wiped the sweat off of his hands into his jeans and slowly opened the door.

Steve had fixed his hair but that was it. It wasn't a date or anything, so he wasn't worried about it. When he pulled up to Eddie's trailer he knocked on the door and hummed a little. "Hey, Eddie. I'm a little early, I hope that's okay." Steve muttered. Eddie nodded and moved out of the way to let him in. "I didn't expect you to actually come, Steve. I hope that im hospitable enough to fit your expectations." Eddie hummed and closed the door behind him. Eddie seemed like a nerdy type, Steve thought. He didn't look it at all though. "What's up with the um.. collection of mugs?" Steve chuckled softly as he looked around. "My old man keeps them, not me. I dunno." Eddie chuckled nervously and sat down on his couch. Steve just nodded and continued to look around curiously. The trailer definitely fit Eddie's personality- though Steve really couldn't put into words on why. "Soo.. why did you guys move to Hawkins? This place isn't the greatest." Steve laughed softly and leaned against the edge of the couch. "Well it wasn't my idea. My parents kicked me to the curb so my uncle got me when I was 4 or 5 and he didn't have any money to feed me and stuff, so eventually he went broke and we were on the streets for a while. He got offered a job here this year and now here we are. It isn't too bad." Eddie said swiftly and smiled at him.

Eddies nervousness went away quickly as he talked to Steve. He seemed like a laid back kind of guy, and he definitely was not as mean as people said he was, at least not at the moment. "Man... that's pretty sad. My parents don't talk to me much and they're always on business trips. I got used to it but it's pretty lonely sometimes, you know?" Steve had a shy kind of look on his face, he had this awkward smile and his eyes were looking everywhere but Eddie's face. Eddie didn't mind it though. He never really got embarrassed, his personality was so out there that he didn't care what others thought.. most of the time. "It's not sad. I've gotten over it. My parents didn't love me much and they were druggies. Not sayin I'm not one, but you know- it's not good to be like that with a toddler running around." Eddie chuckled and pulled out a pack of Bronco cigarettes. He picked up a lighter off of the coffee table in front of him, put the cigarette in his mouth, and then held the lighter up to the tip of it. "Come sit man, I don't bite." Eddie laughed softly as he looked at Steve, and he then moved over to the other cushion on the couch.

Steve cleared his throat and sat down beside Eddie. "hey, give me one." Steve held out his hand and Eddie placed a cigarette in his hand. He quickly snatched it back before Steve could react. "What's the magic word?" Eddie stared at him with the same smirk he had earlier. Steve rolled his eyes and sighed. "Please?" Eddie hummed in satisfaction and placed the cigarette in his hand. "See, Steve, that's the key to everything. You gotta have manners. You know why? Everyone will respect you then. And if they don't, they'll be surprised that you have manners. They'll be jealous. And that is how you get people to talk about you. Makes you feel good." Eddie hummed and blew out a puff of smoke with a large exhale. Steve just glared at him for a moment and lit his cigarette with Eddie's lighter. "Whatever you say man. Why'd you invite me here anyway?" Steve asked and held his cigarette in between two of his fingers.

Eddie shrugged and leaned his head back. "Well I thought you'd be a nice guy to talk to. To get to know.. you know?" Eddie messed with his hair and moved it to the side of his face as it usually looks. "I guess so. You don't seem as bad as I thought you were either." Steve said softly and blew some more smoke out of his mouth. "Aww, how sweet of you Harrington." Eddie smiled and blew some smoke out of his mouth as well. It was still awkward between them. They were sitting an entire cushion apart and Steve was staring at the TV, even though it was off. "Umm..so. I was thinking that we could maybe watch a movie? Get high? Drink beer? Uhhmm.. maybe listen to music? I don't think you like metal though." Eddie rambled on and moved his hands inconsistently as he spoke. "I guess we could drink and watch a movie. I don't really know if I could handle weed, and I need to drive home after this you know." Steve said and finally took his eyes off the TV.

Steve wasn't exactly nervous, but he felt awkward. Which was because he knew Eddie was gay, and he has this nagging feeling that the only reason he was invited was because Eddie wanted to get in his pants. From how Eddie was acting, it was easier for Steve to forget about that thought. Eddie did seem like a good kid. Eddie quickly got up and grabbed a handful of beer bottles from his refrigerator. As he walked back they all clanked together loudly. Steve shoved the bud of his cigarette into an ash tray on the coffee table and then he grabbed a beer bottle. Eddie did the same. Steve then tilted the bottle slightly toward the right and popped the top off with his teeth. "My gosh Steve I had a bottle opener." Eddie gasped and then laughed as opened his beer using the bottle opener. He knelt down beside the TV and searched through the movies. The TV was big and bulky with two large anntenas poking our of the top of it. "Uhh.. pick for me. Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Hallowen?" Eddie stared at Steve as he held up the movies. Steve shrugged and took a sip out of his beer. He wasn't much of a horror fan, but he was the guest, so he didn't want to be rude. "Halloween, I guess." Eddie nodded and put the tape into the bottom of the TV. He pressed play and sat down slightly closer to Steve than how they were sat before. Steve didn't mind, since he wasn't even paying attention to Eddie- he was watching the starting credits of the movie while sipping on his beer.

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