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-time skip to monday-

Steve hadnt talked to Robin for the rest of the weekend. He wasn't planning on talking to her again at all, since he did not want the whole church situation to happen again. Sure, she was a good person from what he saw but he just couldn't accept the fact that she was gay. It grossed him out. At the moment, he was leaned against his car talking his ass to Tommy and Carol about what happend. "god, what has this world come to? everyone's a fag now." Tommy groaned and leaned his head back against Carol. "Hey man, did you hear that the new kid is gay too?" Steve muttered as he lit a cigarette. "Yeah, yeah- it makes sense, no boy should have long hair. That's how I know hargrove is a fairy, with that long hair of his. It's disgusting." Tommy sighed and shook his head.

Eddie was sitting behind a bush, listening in on their conversation. Not to eavesdrop, but to take photos. He was supposed to help with the yearbook photos. Eddie held the camera up to his face and closed one eye. He lifted his finger over the button to take the picture and right when they were all smiling, he did. There was a loud click sound, and then a small buzz. Eddie took the photo and waved it up and down so it would process. Unluckily for him, Tommy heard the click. His head whipped around and stared at the bush Eddie was in. "Did you guys hear that?" Tommy muttered and walked over to the bush, grabbing the brown haired kid by the collar of his shirt. "What're you doing taking pictures of us faggot?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows and Eddie flinched slightly. "I'm taking photos for the yearbook. I swear it's nothing weird man." Eddie stared up at him. He should've trusted his gut and believed that Tommy was, in fact, a doucebag.

Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed the camera from him. He tossed it to Tommy, Tommy tossed it to Carol, and Carol tossed it back to Tommy. While they were throwing it Eddie sort of got in the middle of them, trying to catch it himself. "He's like- totally tripping, he must have something to hide." Tommy said and pointed at Eddie. He grabbed the photos out of Eddie's hand and leaned against his car again. "ah, here we go." Tommy hummed and started looking at the photos. It was photos of the 3 of them, and just 1 photo of Steve walking back into Robins trailer the night prior. "Yeah, like this isn't creepy at all." Steve said with a weird face and stared at Eddie for a moment. "I was taking photos for the yearbook." Eddie muttered and gripped onto his bag. "No, no this is called stalking." Carol muttered and pointed at the photos. Tommy ripped them up and tossed them on the ground. "Looks like the only way to stop a stalker is break their toy." Tommy muttered and tossed the camera on the ground, flipped Eddie off, and then stomped on it. "Hey! I-i payed for that!" Eddie yelled as Tommy and Carol snickered and walked away.

Eddie started to pick up the ripped pieces as quickly as he could since the wind was blowing heavily. It also effected him being able to see because of his hair so he had to keep swatting it out of the way. Steve sighed softly and started to help him pick the pieces up. "Why did you take a picture of me?" Steve muttered and looked over at Eddie. Eddie looked away and furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know. Sometimes pictures show your true self. And- I thought that that photo did." He muttered softly and stuffed all the pieces of the photos in his bag. "Well.. all I can say is it's a little weird. Just... ask next time, okay?" Steve muttered and started to run so he could catch up to his friends. Eddie was surprised to say the least that he didn't get his ass beat. He's only gotten jumped a few times but they weren't good, and one of them landed him in the hospital due to a broken jaw and rib. Safe to say he has gotten his fair share of beatings. Eddie picked up the remaining pieces of his camera, stuffed it into his bag and started to walk into the school. Once he went to his locker he went to class and sat in the back, as always. Wendy sat beside him and stared at him for a moment. "You didn't call me." She whispered. Eddie had then realized that he completely forgot that he had gotten her number. "Oh, yeah- I'm sorry. I got busy." Eddie said simply and leaned down to pull a paper out of his bag along with a pencil. "Alright class settle down!" Miss Aser said in a loud voice and began to teach the class.

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