At First Glance

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It was in the last blistering heat of summer that I first received news of a new member coming to the small Pelican Town. A strawberry blonde child, Vincent, tugged at my pants leg, with Jas right behind him.

"Ma'am! Have you heard the news? There's a new farmer coming to town!!!" He shrieked excitedly.

I looked upon him, a bit pained, but reflected his excitement. I recalled hearing of what a great man the old farmer was. His death really changed the valley, even as a new comer to the town I could see it; a dysfunctional community center, broken bridges, hardly any available transportation and Joja Mart taking over, would this new farmer see any success?

However I can't hide my appeal for new things. It's the reason I came out here, away from the noise of the city. Searching for the new is a passion of mine, alongside literature, of course. Leah had arrived just after I had, and her company had been a great honor to me. Perhaps I would find a friend in the farmer.

"Vincent! Remember, Elliott is not a girl, he's a boy just like you, silly." Jas snapped.

Leah, who had been accompanying me upon the shore, laughed, raising an eyebrow about my gender-neutral appearance.

"Well, no matter about that. What marvelous news it is that someone new is coming into town." I said, tussling Vincent's fluffy hair.

"One can only hope the farmer has some sense of style, unlike everyone else around here." Haley scoffed as she walked into the conversation, Alex behind her.

"Oh Haley! Quite late to be trying to tan in the sun. Did you come to tell me the news as well? I fear the children have beat you to it." I remarked, Hailey was quite straightforward with her words but I knew that was her way of saying she was excited as well.

"Quite the opposite, I wouldn't come down to visit your rank beach-shack if I could help it. I was hanging out with Alex and then Sam came to ask me if I could get Vincent and Jas, since they ran off. Apparently he has a shift at Joja Mart." She rolled her eyes at the inconvenience Sam must have caused her. I restrained a laugh.

Alex had a big grin as he punched my shoulder, "You think the new farmer is gonna be hot? I'm glad there's gonna be more girls in this town to be honest." He let out a deep chuckle, I found his statements less than amusing, but I shared his curiosity about what the farmer might be like.

"She? So the farmer's a lady. Do any of you know how she came to acquire the farm? She must be quite wealthy to afford such a large plot of land."

Jas tugged my hand and both Alex and Haley looked away.

"She's the old farmers granddaughter... she inherited it." Alex said under his breath.

"Ah, Yoba bless, I'm sorry to hear that." Leah said, keeping her head down now too.

Although it was two years prior to us moving here, the old farmer's death was a fresh wound to the community. As far as I know, he kept the town alive and was like family to everyone. His death... it hurts even the new comers to the town. Unless you were heartless like Morris.

"Robin got the letter, I talked to her earlier today in Pierre's. Mayor Lewis said that she used to come around to the old man's farm when she was a kid. Never met her though." Haley stated.

"When should we expect the new farmer to arrive? I must admit I am quite antsy to make an introduction."

"First day of Spring!" Shouted Vincent.

"Then I will mark my calendar, goodness what excitement." I said.

"Yea whatever, this is just the news of the week. Nothing actually interesting happens in the valley." Haley rolled her eyes again and grabbed Vincent's and Jas's hand.

"Let's go kiddos, maybe we can still play some gridball before the sun sets." Alex said enthusiastically.

Alex, Haley and the children skipped away happily, likely with thoughts of smacking bats chaotically instead of playing a structured sport.

"Well I better get heading home as well, see you this Saturday for drinks." Leah said, walking away as the light of day began to dim.

A new farmer was coming to town, and the town was bubbling with rumors and questions.


I did not end up meeting the farmer herself until Spring 3rd, a lack of inspiration had led me to sit upon a connecting bridge with the main town area. It was there that I first saw her.

She was something new, such a person I had never seen any semblance of before. I was not fond of writers who made wild metaphors and similes such as,"A smile as bright as the sun." or,"She was the embodiment of joy." Yet it is only with those allegories that I could explain such a person. How much of a fool I must be, it was not the immaturity of the writer, but rather that I had not witnessed such a person before. Such a person that smiled like starlight shines at night, or who carried herself in such a manner that it can only be compared to the thick sweetness of molasses.

"Hello," she said in a smooth velvety voice,"I'm farmer, nice to meet you."

"Ah, the new farmer we've all been expecting, and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation! I'm Elliott, I live in the cabin by the beach. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"So that's why I could not find you, I just learned about the beach today!" She chuckled, and her laugh filled me like song.

"Indeed, I hope you will come down more often, the weather is perfect for beach days."

"Maybe I will. I'm sorry but I have to go talk to Mayor Lewis, I'll catch ya next time Elliott!" And just like that she ran off, and without reason I found my ears to be quite blushed.


Author's notes:
Down bad Elliot <3 my beloved
Hope you guys enjoyed my little fan fiction, I just couldn't find another quite like this that sticks to canon lore so you gotta make the art you want to see right?
Lemme know anything you guys want to see, I'm basing this off of notes I have from my own play through of Stardew Valley and anything Concerned Ape has mentioned/written that I am aware of. If I miss something let me know!

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