Too many Eggs in one Basket

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My story had been swiftly progressing. Following the romantic genre was surprisingly easy, and I found myself writing about a stewardess falling in love with an architect. Definitely a scrappy rough draft, but I felt the passion of my writing even through the mess of words.

The stewardess was kind, bashful, and had a beautiful smile. As for the architect, he was more reserved, always looking for the right place. Always searching for what's new to inspire him... strange how much writing feels like a part of you.

However, on the day of the Egg Festival, I had decided to take a well earned break. The sun was shining bright in the sky. Normally I was never up this early, but I felt giddy all night and simply could not wait to be at the festival.

I left my cabin, as I felt that a good conversation with Willy would be healthy after hours of late night writing, so I walked up the deck in search of the man.

"Mornin' lad, yer up early." Willy remarked.

"Guess I'm just enthusiastic about the festival."

"Enthusiastic? Since when are yer enthusiastic 'bout eggs lad?" He said, bewildered.

"I have made good progress on my book- a romance if you can believe it! And have that thanks to the company of someone I have grown incredibly fond of."

Willy furrowed his brow, "Leah? But I thought yer told me the young miss was gay. Why would yer like 'er?"

"Oh no- not Leah," I let out a deep laugh, "Not in that sense Willy. Better said that I have made a new friend, it's Farmer, she has become quite dear to me."

Willy began to puff his pipe, resembling a silent movie character for just a moment, before he turned to me.

"Lemme tell yer somethin' 'bout friends. Yer gotta understand the difference m'between jus likin' a lass and lovin' a lady. Or else Yoba forbid, a pirate take 'er heart. Yer understand lad?"

"Indeed, Farmer is someone I like. I adore her company." I replied.

"Yer may be writing romance, but oy are yer blind Elliott."

I found that my conversation with Willy was not as enjoyable as I perceived it might be, so I checked my watch and luckily the time was 9:10 am.

"No matter, we should get going to the festival Willy."

And we turned towards the sound of speakers turning up, children laughing, and the town murmurs of rumors and gossip.


"Elliott!!" Leah flagged me down, a cup of punch in her hand.

"The punch is reallyyyyy good this year." She giggled drunkenly.

I looked upon the food table, witnessing Pam closing up a flask of whiskey by the punch.

"Maybe no more punch for you Leah..." Just as I was about to take the cup from her hands, I saw Farmer.

She was nothing less than gorgeous, she had walked into the town square in a pastel-striped sundress. The fabric was thin and fluttered with each step she took.

I was watching as she talked to Major Lewis, but Leah fell on top of me drunkenly and I was reminded that I had someone to attend to. After sitting her down and giving her some water, I looked around, searching for Farmer again, but as if she was an illusion, she vanished from sight.

Curse Yoba... I was looking forward to conversing with her. So instead, I invested my time talking to a loopy-Leah.

"How was your morning?"

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