Too Sweet for Me

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I looked upon the calendar and a deep guttural groan left my body. The cursed day I was longing to avoid had come, my annual check up with Harvey.

The last time it had been no problem, upon first meeting the doctor I quite liked him. Now, my mind goes back to his betrayed gaze that stayed engrained in my mind. Having avoided him all week, I feared for the worst during my visit to the clinic.

I dressed quickly, knowing Harvey did not prefer late patients; why would I give him more reason to dislike me. In fact, he probably despised me.

Wearing a simple white button up shirt and slacks, I traveled through the town to Harvey's clinic.

"Good morning, Maru."

"Hello Elliott, if you could sit down while Harvey gets your paperwork ready, that would be great." Maru told me this in a calm manner, a complete contrast to my feelings at the moment.

"Of course." I replied, sitting down to wait. The click of my watch making the silent waiting room unbearable. If I could just escape, however I had to endure this one way or another.

The whole reason for my consultation was chronic back pain. Considering I crouch over my writing desk for entire days of the week, the pain was not surprising.

"Elliott, come on in." Harvey called out to me, his tone of voice flat and emotionless.

I shuffled in behind him, playing with my hands out of nervousness.

He motioned for me to sit on the bed and began my exam, "Open your mouth for me and say 'ah' please."

"Harvey I'm so sorry." I blurted out.

He paused, then gently placed his hand on my face to keep my jaw open, "Let's keep the consultation professional, Elliott." He said coldly.

But I couldn't help to feel like my stomach was full of loose worms, I wanted to fix the issue now.

"Deep breaths in and out."

He furrowed his eyebrows in concern, "Your heart is going quite fast."

"Well I'm... nervous."

"Elliott, I won't hurt you. Disagreements aside, I am your doctor. It is my job to give you the best treatment I can. If I'm preventing you from being evaluated normally, then I can get Maru to do your check up."

"No, no, it's fine." I let out in a stammer.

The doctor continued on with his work, "What's the reason for your visit today?"

"Ah- well my back is aching quite terribly. I was hoping for some kind of ointment or medicine."

"Where's the pain located?" He questioned.

"Lower back."

He continued on with the procedure, during which I realized Harvey became incredibly calm when frustrated. It was offsetting to say the least. I was prescribed my medication and set on my way.

However, right as I left the clinic, Harvey stepped out, confronting me outside, "Elliott, I appreciate the apology, however I don't think there's a need for one. I can't blame you for your... connection with Farmer. Let's let bygones be bygones, whichever one of us farmer chooses will be a lucky guy for sure."

"I agree, although that's if she chooses either of us in the end of this, perhaps she will choose the farm over the both of us. I am led to believe she already has!" Finally Harvey cracked a laugh, returning to his usual self.

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