Hearts on Display

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The Stardew Valley Fair was always a fun time, the year prior I had spent the day with Leah playing the festival games. However, one thing would not leave my mind since that day, the sweet tangy sauce the Gus had made.

"I need to get Gus's sauce recipe." I thought out loud to Leah, who was walking with me to the fair.

"Good luck, that man is not the biggest fan of you right now." Leah said with a laugh.

"It's not my fault him and Willy made a bet. Besides, one cannot predict the future; perhaps he will win." I said, letting my stomach speak over my mind.

"I hope Willy wins, I bet money too."

"Leah!" I cried out.

"Come onnnn, it's a compliment. It means I believe in you... and I could also use the 250g..." She replied.

"I am feeling quite a bit of pressure from these bets." I stated.

"Pressure is good, pressure is what made you a good writer."

"On that topic, what were your thoughts on my book?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I felt a sense of pride in the fact that I had finally finished it.

"It's beautiful." Leah answered.

"You think so?"

Leah nodded, her smile sincere, "Reading it just felt good like... Yoba, it felt like I fell in love too. Their arguments were so real and raw, but the passion between them was just.." She trailed off, placing a hand on her heart.

"Elliott, I do have a question though."


"This story is more than just a story, and I can tell just from reading it. It feels like a love letter, actually I think it is one, isn't it?"

I remembered the first page I wrote; Dedicated to Farmer, my greatest inspiration.

"And you are Horatio, head over heels with a girl who only wants to settle down, while all you want is to pursue your dreams..."

I stayed silent, rubbing my thumbs together anxiously.

"I guess I did partially base the character off myself..." I mumbled.

"So why don't you take a hint from your own book Elliott, go after the girl before you regret it. Sure, Horatio may have illegally snuck onto train to confess his love, but Farmer's right here. You haven't even asked her on a date yet, what are you waiting for?"

"What if Farmer rejects me? What then? I am the fool with a rotting bouquet on my desk? No, I have to be sure. Love takes time..."

Leah grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Trust me, she does like you. I can tell, she comes alive around you like nobody else. But I can imagine she's thinking the same thing. Farmer won't wait for you forever."

My mind wandered to Harvey, was he considering making a move as well? Would I be too late if I didn't do it soon?

I didn't have time to ponder those thoughts as by then we had reached town square.

The fair brought enticing aromas, and each tent was littered with small prizes that could be bought with Star Tokens.

Me and Leah ran over to buy a few tokens to began and as we placed bets on the spinning wheel, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Well hello there Mr. Author." Farmer said, stepping into my line of vision. She looked adorable in her purple sweater, ripped jeans and boots. 

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