The Embodiment of Light

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"Nightmare?" He whispered, his voice trembling, as I gazed at the skeleton, his expression etched with concern. Clad in regal attire, a golden crown adorned his skull while a light blue jacket, fastened with a belt bearing the initials 'DS,' draped over his skeletal frame. His pants, a shade darker, completed the ensemble.

Suddenly, a primal scream ripped through the air, shattering the eerie silence. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I wailed, my terror palpable as I tumbled off the bed in a frenzy.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The skeleton echoed, its bony hands flying up in shock at my outburst. In a bizarre exchange, we found ourselves locked in a symphony of screams, a surreal cacophony reverberating through the dimly lit room.

"Yo Broski, what's up with da screamin'?" a vibrant voice cut through the chaos, causing both the skeleton and me to pause our symphony of screams. Turning towards the newcomer, we were met with a sight straight out of the neon-soaked '80s.

Dressed in a kaleidoscope of bright colours, the newcomer exuded an unmistakable '80s flair. His attire, a vibrant homage to the era, featured flashy patterns and bold hues that seemed to dance under the flickering lights. With a confident swagger, he arched an eyebrow inquisitively, his demeanour a stark contrast to the eerie scene before him.

"It's alright," the golden skeleton reassured me, his voice echoing softly in the vast expanse of the room.

My heart pounded with fear as I struggled to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before me. "What in the world is happening!?" I exclaimed, panic rising within me like a tidal wave. Frantically, I scanned the surroundings, my eyes drawn to the intricate details of the white marble room. Greek architecture loomed majestically, each column and archway imbuing the space with an aura of ancient mystique.

"I'm Dream Sans, the guardian of ...... well..." he introduced himself with a gentle smile, his voice carrying an air of reassurance. "But you can simply call me Dream." His attention shifted to the energetic skeleton beside him. "And this is Fresh," he continued, gesturing towards his companion.

My gaze scrutinised the skeleton named Dream Sans before me. "Dream, huh? Alright then." I watched as he settled onto a nearby chair, gesturing for me to join him. "And that's Fresh, is it?" I eyed the newcomer cautiously, my suspicion lingering.

Dream offered a reassuring smile, his demeanour tinged with nervousness. "We mean no harm. We simply saw you and sensed danger, so we brought you here for safety."

I blinked in disbelief, the surreal nature of the situation sinking in. "You just... grabbed me and brought me here?" I repeated, incredulous.

"YA WELCOME!" Fresh exclaimed, enveloping me in a tight hug that lifted me off the ground, his enthusiasm bordering on overwhelming.

As Fresh's enthusiastic embrace gradually loosened its grip, I found myself slowly lowering back to the ground, my mind still reeling from the whirlwind of events. Dream's nervous smile persisted, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and empathy.

"Yes, we did," Dream affirmed gently, his tone sincere. "We couldn't ignore the potential danger you were in. It's not safe out there, especially for someone like you."

I glanced between Dream and Fresh, their contrasting personalities adding to the surreal atmosphere. Despite my initial scepticism, their genuine concern began to resonate with me, easing some of the tension that had knotted my stomach.

"Thank you," I murmured, acknowledging their unexpected act of kindness. "But... where exactly is 'here'?"

Dream exchanged a glance with Fresh before turning back to me, a shadow of hesitation passing over his features. "You're in the Dreamscape," he explained softly. "A realm, uh... like an Alternative Universe, where beings like us reside. It's a sanctuary of sorts, where you'll be safe."

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