Chaper one

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I stared at myself in the mirror. A twig with long, straight, blonde hair. The hair didn't help my looks, just made me look thinner, which I hated. I smeared some lip stick on my lips and threw a pair of high heeled boots on. It made my outfit; a tight leather skirt and a white lace crop top. I took a swing of some gin and a drag of a blunt. I walked out of my apartment into the dark night.

I walked into the party alone, like I always did. I said hey to the familiar faces. The house was brown and made of wood, like a log cabin but not really. People were already trashed and there was more booze than imaginable. Just the way I liked it. I grabbed some Jack Daniels and began to dance. I always seemed to attract attention to myself where ever I went. It didn't help that I was already high and not thinking clear. I spotted a very handsome man standing in the corner talking to some of his friends, it appeared. He spotted me glancing at him and smiled. I blushed. What was this, the 6th grade? Men never flattered me. I always saw through their bullshit. But there was something about this one, his charisma. His presence lit up the whole room.

I continued to dance and moved to the kitchen.
"Hey, Ang wassup!"
"Nothing much Karl, say you got anything good to drink?"
"Just what's here, hey wanna try this? Just got it this morning."
I looked to see what he was talking about and before I knew it he was putting coke on the table and separating it with a razor blade. He bent down and sniffed it all up. He stood up and kept making sniffing noises and looked strung out. He pointed at the coke.
"Try it Ang, that's good shit."
I could barely hear him over the music. I think something by the Stones was playing. I shrugged my shoulders and bent down and snorted it.

I felt the room go into a blur and then my senses became much more accurate. I felt on top of the world, like a million bucks. I paraded out of the kitchen and ran smack dab into the man I was star crossed about earlier.
"Pardon me, miss."
He seemed to have a British accent. I smiled and started to dance. One of my favorite songs was on, Beast of Burden. I began to dance and throw my hands up and sang along as I pushed my way outside to the back yard. I hadn't noticed the man had followed me.

The backyard was decorated with small, white lanterns hanging from the big tree. There was a small pond with lily pads and some flowers floating in the water. There were fireflies flying around in the dark night. It seemed very magical out there, it could have just been the drugs though, throwing out that vibe. I continued to dance around and sing along to the song.
"I'll never be your beast of burden. Let's go home and draw the curtains. Music on the radio.."
"Cmon baby make sweet love to me."
I turned around and began to smile and laugh when I saw the man singing along with me. He had a dazzling voice. Almost like I've heard it before. I grabbed his hands and began to spin and dance with him while we sang together. He was so damn sexy. I don't think I've ever been this intrigued by a man before. I suddenly tripped on an earthed tree root. I fell into him and started to laugh. He did also. His hands were on my waist.
"You alright?" He asked grinning.
I looked up and locked eyes with him. His eyes put me in a trance. I touched his face and planted a kiss on his mouth. It wasn't just one. I kissed him about three times and then walked away, back into the party.

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