Chapter eight

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The morning started off as usual before a concert. We all drank and smoked, and got high. As the hours came closer to the performance, we backed off some. I was sitting in the hotel room, taking a long drag of my cigarette. I was listing to Keith tune his guitar, while the thought of Angie seemed to keep coming to mind. Although I didn't know why I was so love struck over this girl and felt silly for it, but the thought of her coming today made me smile to myself.
"Ahh thinking about that girl again huh mate?" Keith asked looking up from his guitar.
I shock my head yes and let out a small chuckle.
"It's the craziest thing, Keith, I can't seem to get her out of my thoughts and I don't even know her." I said still chuckling to myself.
"Seems to me she gave you some good sex, no?" Keith asked smiling.
I looked at the ground and shook my head.
"Strange as it sounds, I didn't fuck her. Honestly, she's different. I mean hell, I wanted to, oh did I want to, but I just couldn't. I can't explain it. I know she would have slept with me just like any women but I just couldn't. I guess I didn't want to take advantage of her."
Keith laughed and shook his head.
"Wow. This is new, Mr. Jagger. I want to meet this girl your head over heels for."
Before I could respond I heard a loud knock at the door and knew it was time for the concert.

In the car over to the concert grounds I couldn't seem to focus on anything my band members were saying and my stomach seemed to feel funny. Was this nerves? Was I nervous? No, I thought. I have never been nervous before a concert. As I was lost in thought I didn't even realize us pulling up and all of the screaming fans. A couple of girls threw themselves at the car and were pressing their faces up against the windows to get a glimpse of their beloved Rolling Stones.
I could hear their chants through the car.
The rest of the band seemed to get a kick out of this and laugh, but I couldn't seem to shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was I really nervous? Why would I be, I thought. Until it dawned on me. Angie. She would be here. What if I messed up? What if she didn't come? This lack of confidence was unlike me and I had to shake it. I grabbed a bottle of alcohol that was sitting in the car and chugged it, while throwing a few pills in my mouth. I needed to be pumped up for this, not nervous so hopefully this will calm my nerves, I thought.

As we got out of the car, fans attacked us. Women were screaming and jumping at us. We ran to the trailer behind the stage where our wardrobe was. As I entered I was instantly pushed into a chair and a woman went to work on my hair and started to put some powdered makeup on my skin. The whole place smelled of smoke and someone handed me an open bottle of booze to pass around.
"It's a pleasure to be working for you," said the woman doing my hair.
"No dear, the pleasure is all mine," I said tilting my head back to flash my pearly whites at her. She laughed and wiggled her finger in my face.
"I'm not falling for your charm, Mr. Jagger."
I sighed and and pretended to be upset. Keith looked at me and laughed.
"Don't be so disappointed, lover boy," said Keith jokingly.
"Shut the fuck up," I said to Keith while throwing a bottle of Jack Daniels at him.
"Ouch, try to be a little gentler sweetheart," I said to the woman who it felt like was ripping my hair out.
"Oh, that's a first," said Keith, "I always thought you liked it rough!" I rolled my eyes at him and tried to focus on what we were about to do. A man came and stuck his head into the trailer.
"Ok everyone, you'll be on in five minutes! Get your asses moving!"
With that, I exited the trailer and went on stage.

The moment I stepped on stage, the adrenaline kicked in. I felt amazing and I could feel the energy rushing through my veins. I could hear the crowd roar. Many people were trying to jump up on the stage to touch us and security wasn't keeping them back. It was making us all nervous and Keith was using his guitar to push people back. There were thousands of people here today. I was frantically looking through the crowd when my eyes met hers. Angie. She looked up at me and smiled. She made me feel calm at once. I then knew I had to control this situation.
"BROTHER AND SISTERS," I shouted, "BROTHERS AND SISTER. CALM DOWN. LETS ALL ENJOY THE MUSIC. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND PLEASE STOP GETTING ON THE STAGE OR WE WILL HAVE TO LEAVE!" This seemed to be working some. We stated to play Beast of Burden and the crowd calmed down. As I was dancing all over the stage and doing my usual routine, I couldn't help but catch Angie's eye. God, was she beautiful. She was dancing and laughing. I don't know what came over me next but I told the band to quit playing, I had something to say.
"HELLO, EVERYONE. I'M SORRY TO CUT THE SONG SHORT BUT THERE'S SOMEONE HERE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO ASK UP ON STAGE," I looked at Angie and winked. "Angie would you please join me up here," I said just to her. She heard me and ran up and grabbed my arms to pull her up. She seemed very excited, as well as the crowd. We stared playing Brown Sugar and I grabbed her hand and pulled her close so she could sing along with me. To my surprise, she had a lovely voice. She was even out singing me!
After the concert was over, we exited the stage and I took Angie with me. It was hard to get through the screaming fans, so we held hands. As soon as we got into the car, I let out a sign of relief.
"Bet you don't experience that everyday," I said out of breath.
Angie smiled and laughed.
"No your right, I don't. But it's something I wish I could. Thank you. For all of this, it was truly magical."
My heart skipped a beat. Just hearing her say that made my heart beat speed up. Just when I was about to lean in and kiss her, the rest of the band came in with a few groupies that would share their beds tonight. All of them were very loud and were piling in on one another. Keith seemed to notice Angie and I and raised his eyebrows.
" Soooo tis the world famous Ang. Nice to meet you my dear. Mickey over here is in love with you and if I don't tell you, you'll never know," Keith said slurring his words. We barely made out what he said and Angie just laughed while giving him a small pat on the knee. The rest of the ride to the hotel consisted of loud cussing, drinking, smoking, and the occasional groupie getting naked and trying to smash her boobs in one of the boys' faces.

As we pulled up to the hotel, Angie and I jumped out of the car and made the way into my room. I didn't feel like partying with the guys tonight. Angie seemed to notice this,
"So your not going to YOUR after party? Am I really that special?" she asked laughing.
I thought in my head yes you are, but I played it off.
"I'm just feeling kind of tired tonight," I said fake yawning, "Besides, we leave tomorrow and I decided to spend my night getting to know you, so I suppose that makes you some what special."
She smiled at me and walked into my room. The rest of the night we talked over a bottle of wine. She really was different from any woman I ever met before. It hurt me that I had to leave her tomorrow. It may have been the alcohol or just the fact I was feeling so down but I said, "I know this may seem strange and some what selfish of me to ask this but I really want you to come on tour with me. You are one of a kind and it would be my biggest mistake to leave you behind after tonight. I know you have your own life here and all but I just can't bare the thought of never seeing you again."
She seemed to be taken by surprise. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. Without any further questions she answered.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me and kissed her passionately. I ran my hands on her waist and up to her back. I pulled away grasping for air. I was feeling very sleepy by this time and walked over to the hotel bed. Angie followed me and laid down in the middle.
"Sorry but I'm a little to drunk to make it back to my place tonight, so I hope you don't mind me sleeping here." She said hiccuping. I laughed and laid down next to her. She moved over and wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my chest. I could feel her drifting to sleep. This woman had some power over me and I'm not sure if it was good or bad, but I liked it.

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