Chapter seven

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I woke up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. Alma was yelling from the kitchen.
"Wake up, amiga, we need to get ready for the concert!"
I suddenly remember. Today was the day of the concert. Last weeks advents ran through my head. Mick coming to my house and kissing me. Wow, I thought. I felt as though it was all a dream, to good to be true. I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. As I entered I saw that Alma had made fresh tamales and there was a bottle of vodka on the table.
"Isn't it a little earlier for this?" I said laughing and pointing at the table. Alma let out a chuckle and threw me a glass.
"It's never to early. So eat up we have a long day ahead of us chica!"

I could hear music playing as we drove down the street toward the concert grounds. It was an outside concert and I could see a ton of people already outside standing, dancing to the sound of the music. As we got out of the car, a crowd of people swept through and I lost Alma. My eyes were searching for her as someone grabbed my ass. I turned around and saw a drunk man and some girl just giggling away. I laughed.
"Man, I would like to be on whatever you are on right now!"
The man smiled a wide smile at me and handed me what looked to be a blunt.
"Take it, friend. Peace and love. Spread the joy!" The man said while the girl kept staring at my hair and mumbling the words "your so gorgeous". I laughed and thanked them while I walked away. I took a long drag of whatever they gave me and I could feel it already taking effect. I smiled and continued to walk towards the stage platform. I could see people sitting, singing songs or smoking and laughing, while children ran around playing little games like duck duck goose. Many people were standing awaiting the beloved Rolling Stones. The sun was kissing my skin and the breeze was slightly blowing my hair. I felt so free and good. As I become closer to the platform, I could see the band descending, and that's when my eyes met his breath taking blue eyes.

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