Chapter nine

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I woke up from the blinding sun coming in through the blinds. I blinked from the brightness. I looked at the alarm clock sitting on the hotel table. It read 8 A.M. I yawned and rolled over to see Mick laying next to me. I smiled to myself as I watched him sleeping. He was such a bad ass, but in this moment he looked so vulnerable and cute, really. As the memories of last night came flooding back to me, I gasped. I'm going on tour, I thought to myself. Is this even real? Mick Jagger asked ME to go on tour with him. As I was lost in my thoughts, a loud pounding came from the door.
"Mick, Mick are you in there?"
I looked over at him to see if he heard, but he seemed to be sound asleep. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it
"May I help you?" I asked starring at the man in front of me.
"Yeah, ahem, is Mick in there?" Asked the man shyly. He seemed to be a bit embarrassed. I didn't see why, I was still in my clothes from yesterday.
"Yes he is, and who shall I tell him this, cute young man standing in front of me is?" I asked jokingly.
He blushed and looked down at the ground.
"It's Ronnie. Just tell him to get up, please, we need to be on the bus in an hour."
I nodded and shut the door. I ran over to the bed and jumped on top of Mick
"Bloody hell, Angie. It's only fucking 8 in the morning!"
I laughed, "Yes and some cutie just came to the door saying we need to be on the bus in an hour so get your ass up!"
He looked at me squinting his eyes. I could see jealousy peering in.
" Who the fuck was at this door?" He said getting up quickly.
I laughed again following him into the bathroom.
"Just a friend, I think his name was Ronnie?"
Mick looked at me laughing.
"You've got to be joking right. I'm the best looking out of all us."
I laughed while helping him get his things together.
"Yeah, alright, whatever you believe."
He stopped what he was doing and picked me up and started to twirl me around.
"MICK," I screamed, "Put me down this instant!!"
He was having a fit of laughter and could barely get his words out.
"Not until you admit I'm the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on!"
Suddenly the door swung open and a hung over, Keith was standing there.
"Hey love birds," he yelled, "Don't ya think it's a bit to early for all this ruckus? Get your shit together we are leaving soon."
Mick put me down on the ground and smiled up at Keith.
"Keith you'll never guess what's happening, Angie will be joining us on the tour!"
Keith looked at us and rolled his eyes.
"Oh lord, this will be interesting."
We all began to laugh.

After Mick had everything packed he called me a taxi to take back to my place to get some things. He wanted to come along but I insisted he stay with the band. On the way to my place, I could feel the taxi driver judging me. He keep glancing at me through the car mirrors. Each time though, I would smile at him. He probably thought I'm just some lousy street hoe, but news flash, I'm not. Once we pulled up to my house, I got out of he car quick and ran up to my door. I opened it and went straight to the phone. Come on, come on, pick up. I thought to myself.
"Hola?" Said Alma's sweet voice.
"Hey, it's me. Girl you'll never guess what happened. Mick asked me to go on tour with him!" I basically yelled into the phone.
"WHAT! Ay dios mios, chica. You said yes, right?"
"Yes, of course. That's why I'm calling. I kind of need you to watch Marshmallow for me and my house while I'm away." I said in my sweetest voice.
"Well, since you are my best friend, I guess I can't say no." Alma said laughing.
I smiled.
"Thank you Alma. I owe you my life."
"Ha ha yes, you do! I'll be expecting a very big favor when you come back. Maybe hook me up with one of the other guys, ¿no?"
I laughed.
"Sure, sure whatever you want," I said. I added the last thing rushingly because I knew she wouldn't like it.
"Also could you please let my boss know I'm taking a leave of absence? Ok bye!"
"Wait whaaaa..." she said trailing off because I already hung up the phone. I quickly went into my room and started to throw as many things as I could into my suitcase. I ran outside to the taxi waiting for me and went back to the hotel.

As soon as everyone had everything packed and the girls the guys slept with last night were in taxes on their way home, we hit the road. I sat in the back of the bus, by myself for most of the time since Mick was busy rehearsing with the guys. I took a drag of my cigarette and peered out the window. The landscape was quit boring, just trees passing by. Nothing to intriguing. I was interrupted as someone sat down next to me. I looked over to find Ronnie, looking at me curiously.
"Can I help you?" I asked, bluntly.
" Angie, isn't it?"
"Yes it is. Go on?"
"Ahem," he said clearing his throat. He seemed to be a little uneasy. " I guess I'll get right to the point. I know Mick asked you to come on tour with us and I think it's great and all. But I need to warn you."
I looked at him more seriously now.
"Warn me about what, dear?" I asked.
"Well, as we both know Mick can be kind of a, well, um..."
"A WHAT?" I asked firmly.
" A womanizer, as some might put it. Don't get me wrong I love him, he's like my brother, but I like you, Angie. I just want you to watch out. He may not be the guy you think he is."
I patted him on the knee.
"Look honey," I said starring him in the eye,"I appreciate your warning, really. But I'm a big girl. I know what I'm getting myself into. If Mick wants to sleep with any old whore of the night, then so be it. But obviously I have many options on this bus, am I right?" I asked laughing.
For the first time, I saw him let down his guard. He started cracking up, so loud that Mick turned around to see.
"What's going on back there?" He asked.
"Oh nothing, just me and Ronnie sharing a laugh." I said looking at Ronnie, winking.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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