Chapter three

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It had been three weeks since I had my run in with Mick Jagger. My best friend, Alma, could not believe it. I still remember her exact words when I surprised her with the news.
"Angie do you even realize how huge this is?!" She screamed with her thick Spanish accent. She was a tall, curvy girl, with thick black hair that went halfway down her back. We had met when we were in high school detention together for smoking in the girl's restroom. Ever since then, we have been inseparable.

Of course I knew how huge it was. I just didn't know what to do about it. I was just an ordinary girl and had no way to ever even reach him. It was just a one time thing, I told myself. I didn't even mean anything to him. I could still not get it out of my head though.

Later that month I heard that The Rolling Stones were performing in San Diego next week. Alma stressed how important it was that we go and try and see Mr. Jagger.
"Are you out of your mind!" I laughed even at the suggestion.
"Come on Ang, this could be life changing for you."
I realized she could be right but it wasn't even a realistic thing. I barely had enough money to pay rent this month. Alma frowned when I told her.
"Seriously, you have enough for booze and cigarettes but not this?! Ang, I know you think it's not a big deal but you kissed Mick Jagger! I'm sure if he saw you again he would recognize you and love to see you. This could be the start of something amazing!"

Later that week I went and purchased a ticket. It cost me a pretty penny but I couldn't stop thinking about what Alma said. I had to take a chance. Whether it would end up bad, I had to risk it. I just hoped she was right.

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