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Welcome, Welcome~

This is my unofficial third book. In case you go and look, no there is only one other book that I have posted. I used to have another book posted called 'The Rap Goddess' but I didn't like how it was going so I kind of deleted it completely... not my brightest moment I'll admit, but it was just a little bit too similar to my very first book 'The Concert'. If you are here because of 'The Concert' thank you so much for reading it and being interested in this one it means a lot to me<3

Wow that was quite a lot of words all at one time, give me a sec to catch my breath...


Hello! Thank you for reading this book I feel like the description covers what I would usually put in this section pretty well, but I know I personally don't read the descriptions on books so I don't expect you to have read it so I'll just put it right here for your convenience:

Who knew Y/n's bestie's brother could be so ho- I mean nice and kind... Y/n goes on a trip with her family to the supposed "Happiest Place on Earth" but will it be able to repair the family's relationship with their daughter? What happens when Y/n unexpectedly meets her bestie and her family? Who knows? Disney Magic has it's own way of working...


👏🏻I 👏🏻love👏🏻procrastinating👏🏻 don't you?


Anyway- Please do not copy my work! It takes WAY to long to overcome writer's block to let anyone steal my story~

Here are some other rules:

1. Immerse yourself in this story, because it's best that way

2. If you want music playing in the background, go for it. I personally don't cus I get distracted easily-

3. Wait what was #3 again? IDK... I also don't care


1. Let me know what you're thinking while you read! please leave comments they make me happy to see what goes through your head and it also gives me 1. motivation, and 2. ideas for overcoming writer's block🥳

2. Click the little star at the top of each chapter. I honestly had ZERO idea what this little star did for like the first year I read on Wattpad, but now I realize that it the more stars a story gets the more people are aware of it and can read it too! So if you like this story and think other STAY or just anyone else would like it, make👏🏻 it 👏🏻rain 👏🏻stars👏🏻 people!!!

3. Have fun! <3

Thank you for being here! It really made my day <3


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