Chapter 4

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Ok I lied but not totally, this is two days before graduation as well as graduation day.

Also TW: Self-harm as well as some physical and mental harm


Ever since that day, I decided to start fighting back. Between detentions, getting sent to the principal's office, avoiding Natalie as much as possible, and the demands at home, my grades have been slipping.

I was relaxing on my bed knowing full well that my untouched last homework assignments sitting on desk were due tomorrow.

"What the fuck did I just get called about Y/n?!" My father's voice boomed through the house. The door to my room was basically flung off it's hinges with the force it was opened with.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, who called?"

"First of all, I will be asking the questions around here, and secondly your principal called saying you're extremely close to failing all of your classes! There's two days till graduation and you still aren't smart enough to figure out  how to keep your grades up!" he yelled at my face.

I winced slightly at the force of his voice.

"What the fuck happened?" he screamed.

"Stuff you wouldn't care about," I spoke back. With one swift movement his hand made contact with my face resulting in a loud slapping noise and a red handprint. My mouth hung open in shock, he had never actually hit me before.

"Shut your disrespectful mouth. I expect you to graduate and move out as soon as your finished," He growled. "How many assignments do you have left to turn in?"

"Five," I whispered. "One for science, on-"

"I don't care what subjects they're for. Get. Them. Done." He made sure to enunciate each word, then stomped out of my room slamming the door behind him.

Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as I sat processing what had just happened. In a daze I walked over to my desk and pulled out my work. In my haste to finish it, the paper sliced cleanly through the tip of my finger. I winced and held it up to my face watching a small droplet of blood form. I slipped into another trance watching it grow little by little. A crash from the kitchen brought me back to reality. I walked out to see what happened.

"Clean this up," My mother said standing in the middle of a mess. Coffee and pieces from a former glass were scattered across the floor. I nodded and silently got to work as she walked out, the desire for a hot drink long forgotten.

"At least you can complete one task correctly," She muttered under her breath while pushing by me.

I tried to ignore the comment and continued cleaning the mess. The paper cut I got from my homework was forgotten with a new cut as a piece of glass slipped through my fingers, cutting my hand. I didn't even wince this time, my mind was numb. I pocketed the small piece of glass and threw the rest in the garbage can.

I soaked up most of the spilled beverage with a rag, then vacuumed the entire kitchen for any little grains of glass still lurking. Having finished cleaning I made my way back to my room.

(A/N: TW starts here)

Within the next 30 minutes, my work was finished and I remembered the glass still sitting in my pocket. I sat in front of my mirror and glanced between the shard of glass sparkling in the dull light of my room and my pale arm on display. The harsh words of my parents chorused through my head on repeat.

You're stupid. You can't do anything right. The only thing you can accomplish are simple tasks.

My mind began adding new thoughts as I sat on the floor.

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