Chapter 6

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"Wait, how did you guys 1. know I was graduating today, and 2. get into my house? Not to mention without making my parents go psycho?" I questioned.

Hannah and Olivia glanced at each other.

"Well, I may or may have not got in contact with your brother through your socials to help plan this whole thing," Hannah began.

"So your parents think that they are dating," Olivia continued.

I blinked.

"Jun let us in and told your dad the situation."

"Partially," Olivia jumped in again.

"So..." I began slowly, still processing. "You found my brother," I began counting on my fingers," planned this whole thing, are pretending to be my brother's girlfriend, and successfully fooled my parents?"

They nodded.

"So how long have you been dating," I asked with a smirk, wiggling my eyebrows.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "You little bitch. Pretending," she stressed the word. "He's not exactly my type, no offense."

"None taken," Jun's head popped in. "You're a little too mouthy for me. Reminds me of Y/n way too much!"

Olivia and I started laughing our asses off as Hannah starts firing back at my brother, turning the whole thing into a little fight.

"Okay, you to lovey doveys can stop arguing now," I say stepping between the two of them. "Jun, did dad's breakfast get made yet?" I asked as Olivia pulled a still talking Hannah farther into my room, away from Jun.

"Yeah, he left two minutes ago."

"And mom? I don't have any more money in my wallet to pay for her fucking Café expenses." I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"She left with dad, I don't know why." Jun replied. "She said that they would get food somewhere."

I nodded, "Thank you. For everything. Help plan this," I gestured inside where Hannah was still wriggling in Olivia's grasp. I giggled, "For helping me these last few days."

Jun nodded and smiled. "What do you girls want for breakfast?" He called to the two struggling Australians in my room who immediately stopped struggling the second food was mentioned. 

"Pancakes!" They exclaimed at the same time.

I looked at Jun, "Pancakes it is," I shrugged laughing a little bit.

Jun looked at me uneasily.

"What? Is there something wrong with my face?"

He shook his head no. "I was just thinking about what dad said the other day." He hesitated. "About- you know."

I knew, "Leaving?"

Jun nodded solemnly. 

I sighed. "I'll pack a bag. I have a bit of money in my savings account from when we were younger that I can use for a hotel. I'll find a job, then go from there."

"I'll give you my pocket money so your savings can last a little longer." Jun said reaching for his pocket.

"No, you've done a lot already covering for me all the time. I'll keep in touch anyways, it's not like I'm dying." I tried to joke. "Besides, you can help me by finding me somewhere to live, and packing all of my earthly belongings."

He nodded once, "Nice hair by the way." He smirked knowing I suffered through the process and walked out to the kitchen calling over his shoulder, "I'm leaving in 15 minutes! If you want pancakes, you'll be out the door by then!"

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