Chapter 9

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I'm back bitches~

I'm pretty sure I failed the math test I took about an hour ago, but I honestly couldn't care less lmfao.

Hope you enjoy~


Y/n's POV

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked for the nth time, looking at Chan's face.

"I'm sure ok? You don't have to be so worried," He responded. The two of us sat on a bench watching Felix, Hannah, Olivia and Lucas running around yet another playground.

"I just feel bad, like it's my fault." I mumbled looking back at the playground.

"I got stuck, why would that be your fault?"

"I didn't notice and stop you until it was too late."

"I should've known better."

"But I'm responsible for all of you."

"We're all adults."

"Felix! Don't do that!" I got up and ran towards the boy who was attempting to climb to the top of the structure. "You'll get hurt."

"He'll be fine," Olivia commented, her eyes glued to his figure in fascination.

"Felix," A worried voice spoke up besides me.

I turned. "Yeah Chan, they're all adults, perfectly capable of handling themselves." I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Felix. Felix was now about halfway up. "FELIX!" I jolted when I saw his foot slip. Fortunately, he caught himself and didn't fall. "Felix please get down, you're seriously worrying me. I'm pretty sure you've successfully taken 10 years off my life by now."

"He'll probably be ok," Chan said in a low voice. He started rubbing my shoulders helping me to relax just a little bit. After a minute or so, his hands rubbed up and down my arms soothingly before he gently pulled me into his chest for a back hug. Felix had made it to the top of the play structure and began making his descent. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to watch incase he slipped and fell.

"Please just tell me when he's down on the ground. Watching him is making my stomach hurt." I could feel my entire body tense up again imagining Felix falling from up there. Chan began to gently caress my exposed middle with his thumbs as he rested his head on my shoulder. After a tense two minutes a heard a soft thud and I opened my eyes. Felix stood in front of me smiling brightly. I immediately freed myself from Chan's embrace and hugged Felix. "You fucking brat, I told you not to climb up there. Do you realize how worried I was that you would fall and have to go to the hospital?" I pulled away from the hug, scolding him.

"And to think that you're the youngest one here," He never stopped smiling. He pulled me into another hug. "I'm fine. All in one piece." I started gently hitting his back with my fists.

"Don't ever do something stupid like that again. Do you hear me?" Felix just nodded and I finally relaxed. "Twerp."

I let go and turned to walk back to the bench. On my way, I noticed Chan wincing and clutching his side, but when he caught sight of me he just smiled like nothing was wrong. I walked over to him. "Are you ok?"

"We're back to this again? I told you I'm fine."

"I saw you wincing, so don't lie to me."

"I just saw a little kid fall, that's all."

"And that's why you were holding your side too?" I cocked an eyebrow and tilted my head to the side.

"Yeah... The kid hit his side, so-" I lifted up his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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