Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm... and my mother.

"Wake up, lazy ass. You're alarm has been going off for the past 8 seconds and counting, and it ruined my beauty sleep."

"I'm sorry," I apologize softly, quickly turning off the alarm.

As my mother gets up to walk out of my room she calls over her shoulder, "Oh, and you get to make everyone's breakfast. I suggest hurrying as well, your dad is leaving for work in 7 minutes."

"How wonderful," I mutter. I don't have enough time to do any of my morning routine before running out to the kitchen, trying to pull a hoodie over my "pajamas". 

I quickly scrambled some eggs and popped a piece of bread in the toaster. I burned my fingers getting it out and buttering the damn thing just in time for my dad to walk out.

I quickly piled the eggs onto a plate. "Fuck," I whispered to myself. "They're over-done. He's gonna have my ass." I slipped the warm, crunchy bread that was oozing butter, onto the waiting plate and handed it all to him.

"These are over done." He stared at the plate and spoke in a monotone voice.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"NO EXCUSES," my lovely father shouted, cutting me off.

I bowed my head slightly, not wanting to risk a worse punishment by speaking.

"I'll deal with you when I get home." He threatened walking off to the door.

Heaving a quick sigh, I turned back to the opposite counter where the stove and sink are. I turned the faucet on cold, and held my fingers under the running water. I winced slightly at the sudden and drastic change in temperature, but soon got used to it. The cool water was soothing to my burnt finger tips.

Hearing footsteps, I turned off the water quickly, drying my hands on the nearest towel. I turned my head to be greeted by the sight of my older brother, Jun.

"Oh thank god, it's only you."

He smiled, "Got put on breakfast duty again?" he asked.

I sighed, then responded, "Yep. But then again, when am I not on breakfast duty?"

Jun was the only tolerable being in my family. He is the only one who took the time to actually have a conversation with me, ask me how I was, to have any kind of genuine interest in me.

"I'll make my breakfast so you can go get ready for school. I'll walk you today." He offered.

"Mom will kill me if she finds you out here instead of me, besides I have some time left." I countered.

Checking his new Apple Watch he smiled a bit. Looking up at me he said two words, "16 minutes."

My eyes widened. "Shit! Thank you!" I mouthed as I ran back to my room as quietly as I could. I couldn't chance having our mother hear and come out.

I took a shower and did all the other necessary steps to be able to get out the door. Some light makeup, a blow-dryer to the hair, pulling on my socks, throwing my trusty satchel over my shoulder and running back to the kitchen.

 Some light makeup, a blow-dryer to the hair, pulling on my socks, throwing my trusty satchel over my shoulder and running back to the kitchen

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