Chapter 3

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TW: Extremely boring chapter


After waving my way inside the school premises I made a B-line to my homeroom. I didn't want any trouble this early in the morning. For some reason trouble seems to like me though.

"What's up loser?" a nasty voice called from behind me. "Do you have my homework?"

I tried to ignore it, pretend I didn't hear, get to the safety of the classroom and my homeroom teacher. Nope.

I grunted in pain as I felt my hair being tugged from behind.

"I asked you a question bitch," the voice hissed in my ear.

"I can't give you an answer like this genius," I croaked out, having a hard time even breathing from the uncomfortable angle my neck was at. My head was released a moment after. "Oh wait, I'm sorry, you hate when I lie to you. If you were a genius you could figure out your own homework." I sassed.

A hand connected to my face. A whirlwind of hands and feet and legs came at me as this bitch's henchmen came at me. With a thud I hit the floor. Laughter echoed behind me. A kick to my side left me curled on the floor. I watched as she bent at the knees to whisper in my ear.

"You should watch your mouth sweetheart," Her overly sweet voice disgusted me. "Where's my homework?"

"My dog ate it, sorry."

"You fucking liar," she snarled, punching me in the stomach.

"Oh my god, can you stop with tha-" A punch to my jaw shut me up for now. If my eyes could change color like a chameleon to what I'm feeling right now, they would be bright red with orange and yellow flickering like a flame. Or jet black, because I swear I'm going to kill her one of these days.

I rolled my eyes and brought my hand up massaging my jaw. I slowly stood up, and leaned against the nearest wall finding my balance while rubbing my face.

I looked up to make eye contact with her for the first time today. The one and only bitch of our school, Natalie.

"This is the last time I'll ask nicely, Y/n," Natalie warns.

"This was nice?" I scoffed.

"Where. Is. My. Homework?" Natalie made sure to enunciate each word. The bell rang.

I looked to the doors to my right as a flood of kids entered the building, running to their classes. I turned my attention back to Natalie, smirked and gave her a wink. Next thing she knew there was a tidal wave of children blocking her from getting to me. I disappeared into the crowd moving to my classroom, and slipping in through the door before Miss June could notice me.

~Time Skip~

I always stayed by Miss June's side as long as I could to make my life somewhat easier. She protected me without even realizing it. Another added bonus, she gave me lighter homework assignments since I was always around to help her. Once or twice she handed me the answer sheet to an upcoming test with a wink and would say, "You have a minute and a half, memorize, no writing anything down." Then conveniently "need to touch up her make up." I would say Miss June was more of a friend than a teacher.

I felt my phone buzz as a notification came in.


I'm outside                                                                                                                                                                        Seen

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