Chapter 27: Bang Bang

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Nick's POV
Katya always has my back.

I'm becoming find of her company. She is almost my wingman. I miss Julio because he used to do what Katya is doing now. She has gone further to even risk her friendship with Kei to have my back. We never started off friends but now I consider her one. She is probably more because of the deal I made with Alexei. The deal that has Kei flipping out on me.

"Kei asked about the deal with Alexei."

"What did you say?"

"The truth. Not entirely but most of it. She knows Marcella is promised in marriage but she doesn't know to whom."

"I wouldn't have told her. She must be losing her mind."

"Honestly Katya, I'm pressed against the wall. I have bigger things to worry about than my fragile relationship with Kei. I'm going to sacrifice her for a bigger goal."

Katya took her eyes off the road for a second. "That's tough."

"Yup. Pull up here." She pulled up outside an Italian restaurant. This is where I'm meeting Bianchi.

"Is it cool that I'm here?" She asked me. "I'm am outsider."

"You are with me. I'd like to hear anyone saying otherwise. Are you strapped?"


"If you feel something is off, don't hesitate. Go trigger happy."

"Kill circle?"

"You know it bambina." I winked at her.

We approached the restaurant, taking note of the closed sign. The owner opened the door for us.

"Buonasera Signore." The older man lowered his head in a respectful motion.

"Buonasera Bruno. How's the family?"

"They are well Signore. I trust yours too?"

"Si. They are. This is my close companion Katya." I made an introduction. They shook hands. "Bianchi?"

"In the back." He answered. "This way please."

I gripped his wrist at once. I made deep eye contact with him. "Bruno, is this my last walk on this earth?"

"No Signore. If it was, I would tell you. I would hate for Don Giovanni to crawl his way out of his grave to get me."

I nodded and we followed him. Katya looks cautious. She's on guard. We entered the backroom where a poker table sits. I came to a stop with Katya slightly behind me. The four men stood up.

"Balotelli." Bianchi sighed. "We are all risking our lives just by being in the same room with you."

"I'm not taking it for granted." I assured him.

His attention shifted to Katya. "This is Italian business."

"She's family." She became so the moment I shook hands with Alexei.


"Will you remove her yourself?" I asked him.

He looked at the others and th y shrugged. "This is Tancredi, Valenti and Gallo."

I shook hands with all of them. Katya remained on guard close by. I took a s at and they followed. It's a sign of respect. "So this is the rebellion. Who isn't here?"

"Conti. Moretti. Rossi, though he is somewhere on the fence-"

"Very indecisive bastard."Valenti burst out laughing and the rest of us mellowed down at his infectious laughter.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now