Chapter 16: Attention Mr Bale!

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Lupe's POV
I started working for the Balotellis when I was just nineteen. My mother had worked for Don Giovanni before Mr and she said he is the kindest boss. That was true. When we first met, I was carrying a basket of laundry heavier than me. I was struggling. Don Giovanni saw me and  flashed his biceps. I remember how it made me laugh. He told me it's the grapes in the vineyard that give him muscle. He helped me carry the laundry basket and joked about a third of the clothes being Marianna's. We became good friends over the years.

It's because you of him that I went on to work for Nick after he had his first child. I tolerated his evil wife because Don Giovanni wanted me there.

After Margaux, came Kei and I cannot compare them. They are two different people! I like Kei a lot and even my mean streak with her is me with kitty gloves on. As much as I like her, I will not play part-time mother.

"Come on, answer!" I mattered to myself as her phone kept ringing. Does it make a difference to call a hundred times if a phone is not being answered?

The chorus of chaos is still ongoing behind me. Marcella is crying and holding onto me like I mean dear life. The twins are screaming their little lungs out and of course, Madeline and Marcelle are at it and it has gotten physical. It went from throwing food at each other to name calling to fighting. I looked the other way and minded my own business. They just need to get it off their system without being stopped.

"Marcella, what is it?"

"I m-miss m-my m-mommy... and and d-daddy." She quivered in tears. She has been waiting for them, literally at the door step. "C-carry me."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

I lack any maternal instincts. I do what I am told to do, none of it out of the joy of my heart. Carry her? No. I'm getting help.

"Stay." I left her and had to push her back into the house when I closed the door on the noise. Silence. My ears are still ringing.

Nick isn't answering his phone either. He is probably ignoring me because he knows I want to complain about Kei not being here.

I walked all the way to Sinclair's house and I banged on the door furiously.


"Salve!" I threw Italian in her face since she is used to speaking to the rest of the maids in French. "Sinclair?"

The maids in this street don't speak to each other. You would think we stick together but it's like a silent competition.

"Is he doing expecting you?"

"Is he expecting a maid? No. But go get him bambina or I'll get in there and get him myself."

She left me at the doorstep with the door slightly ajar. It was a few moments before Sinclair came to the door.

"Lupe. Is anything the matter?"

"Marcelle and Madeline are beating each other up and one if them will end up in the ER. Marcella won't stop crying. Her face is redder than a tomato. You need to take the twins off my hands. Please."

"Where is Kei?"

"That is the golden question. When you figure it out, please let me know. Are you coming or what?"

He glanced back before stepping out. "Nick?"

"I don't know either."

He followed me back to the house. I saw the confusion in his expression as he took note of the chaotic mess around us. Marcella ran to him as soon as she saw him. He picked her up immediately and she cried even harder.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now