Chapter 51: Weak & Vulnerable

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Keira's POV
When I woke up this morning, I felt odd.

It's the kind of feeling that is misplaced but also right. I went through the typical routine of getting ready, getting adorned for the godfather. It felt heavy all through but Leen was there to make sure I don't stop and freeze in time. She distracted me with adorable pictures of her babies. We talked about her, not me and that is the whole reason I didn't get time to think about the heavy burden before me.

This is a high profile wedding but no paparazzi are allowed. The guests are his friends, the mafia and other affiliated business partners. Rich guests is the right word here. Of all the people I know, only Leen is here, faithfully following me around and making sure I'm still sane.

I walked myself down the aisle. Hell, there's no one else to do it. I would have asked my uncle but he would have been dragged into something I don't want him to know. How do I explain how I jump from one man to the next? To him it's odd. To me, it's chaos that makes sense.

Mancini looks dashing today.

Older men haven't really been my thing. Jason was only two years older. Nick and Sinclair are four years older. Mancini... well... thirteen good years. His gaze is affectionate and his warmth felt through my freezing heart. It's like the warmth of the sun breaking through winter barriers.

The man in front of me is talking. He is a priest, adorned in clean white garments. He is officiating a marriage that has no love as it's basis yet he is talking about love. Is he really as clean as he looks? I'm trying not to frown at him  Does he know who he is helping? The godfather! There's no redemption for people like the godfather! And this is what Nick wants?

Okay, I'm about to freak out. Should I run? It will be abrupt. They won't even expect it! I'll just turn and run! If Leen us clever, she will run too! One of my feet turned sideways but the other remained rooted with fierce determination to marry darkness.

My attention shifted to my surroundings. No more running thoughts. Marianna says Gio was pius. Gio went to church, perhaps one like this and he even made confessions. What were his confessions about? Did he have the same sins Mancini has? Criminal? Come to think of it, I ne er saw any darkness in Gio's eyes. He always seemed warm and happy. I turned a little to glance at my husband to be. He looks happy.

He turned to me with a smile on his face.



Three of these and ice lost my enthusiasm. The next one will be more of the city hall kind. We do it fast and get it over with.

"I, Romano Alberto Mancini..." his middle name is Alberto? Why don't I know that? What do I know about him? "...Charlotte Ballard, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

He actually means these words. He has spoken then with conviction. I don't mean what I'll say. I'm saying them for Nick. Perhaps if I imagine Nick in his place, I can feign sentimentality.

"I, Keira Charlotte Ballard take you Romano Alberto Mancini for my lawful husband..." I paused to really look at him. Handsome devil in a church! This is crazy! I don't even go to church! What am I doing here? " have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until..." death do us part? Can I die tonight? Can he? "...death do us part." Oh, I'll choke on my lies! "I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

He smiled at me as though to reassure me. I smiled back. It's the least I can do. I'm glad he has no idea what is going on in my mind.

The priest went on to bless an intricate gold band. He gave it to Mancini. He took my left hand. This is the third ring my finger will know.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant