Chapter 30: Let Her Go!

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Keira's POV

Something untrue. Withholding the entire truth. Twisting the truth. Whichever form a lie takes, it's still a lie.

No one is entirely honest. We all tell little lies through the day. We lie we are fine when we don't want to burden anyone with our tragic realities. We lie to a friend that something looks good to not hurt their feelings. We lie to our partners to keep the peace in the relationship.

That's what Nick was doing, lying to keep the peace. He even lied about coming home at 7am a few weeks ago. He said he worked late and decided to keep going till morning. I know he lied because he smelt like a woman. A woman I know too well. He is really stepping out on me. Now I know how Sinclair must have felt, why he became so crazy.

It's a taste of my own medicine.

But I don't have the time or patience to go bat shit crazy like Bea did and destroyed Tony's car when she thought he was cheating. I don't have time to start fights over something obvious. I have time to save my children from the catastrophe that is about to befall them. I have time to save Marcelle from ever being like his father. I have time to save Marcelle from being married into the mob.

To do so, I told a lie.

I told Nick that Marcella has a fever and I have to head back to tend to her. Lupe is in cahoots with me. For once, she agrees with me.

The clock is ticking. I need to be gone before Nick comes home from the island. Bruce just got married. Everyone is away to celebrate him and his young wife.

"Is that everything?" Lupe asked me. She has a sad look on her face.

"It's exactly what I need. I'm really grateful for this." I squeezed her hand.

"It's the right thing to do. You may be ripping them away from him and their family but a mother protects her children first before anything else." She gave me a hug. "Take care Kei."

"Take care too." I picked up the twin girls and carried them to the car waiting outside. I told Jack I'm leaving and he said it's the best decision I'll ever make. Marcella and Marcelle think we are going on a trip.

"Where are you going?" Madeline startled me. She is supposed to be in school.

"What are you doing home so early?"

"I asked to be allowed to go home early. They cleared it with daddy. I was worried about Marcelle and Marcella. The teacher asked me how sick they are and honestly I was a little short of words. They were fine when I left in the morning." Her blue eyes are questioning me. They took note of the bags Jack is putting in the trunk. "Are you leaving us?"

"Madeline -"

She stepped back. "Kei if you're leaving us just say so. It's no big deal." Her eyes grew wide and they teared up. "People leave like... like all the time."

Tears spilled from her eyes.

The plan wasn't to take Madeline because she is Nick's daughter and very hard lined to defend her father. But looking at her now, my heart might as well cry for her. She's mine too and I will give her options.

"Yes, I'm leaving. But I'm not leaving you. I'm leaving your father."

"W-why? W-whst d-did he do? Is he d-drinking again?" She stammered with tears spilling out of her eyes.

I reached to dry them. "Some day, when you get older, ask me and I'll answer. But right now, it's too complicated for your young innocent mind. I'd like for you to come with me."

"But what about daddy? Will I see him again?"

"You won't."

"Then I can't. Who will take care of him if you go? Please don't go!" She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. "P-please Kei... Don't go. You're my mom. Don't go."

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