Chapter 39: The Apology

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Mancini's POV
I have been gone for four days. I'll say it's my best time away from Sicily. The peace I enjoyed came to an end as soon as Russo picked me up from the airport.

"Is everything okay? You seem tense." I noted.

"I'm just being safe as always."

"Did anything interesting happen while I was away?"

Russo glanced back at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah. A hit on Balotelli."

"What? Who called it?" I questioned.


He's taking a lot of liberties. First my son dies outside his club and now he puts a hit on my nephew without running it by me. The audacity and the disrespect is quite alarming.

As though she knows I'm back on Sicilian soil, Marianna calls. I haven't spoken to her in a while.

"Salve Maria-"

"I'm pregnant."

"Sorry what?" I asked her. Did I hear it right? This is one of the reasons why I didn't make love to Kei. I had no protection and she hasn't taken care of it on her end. The idea of fathering a child at my age is exhausting. "Did you say you're pregnant?"


"Oh Maria. Are you alright?"

"No I'm not!" She screamed and it sounds like she's crying. "I don't want to start over with this mom thing!"

She should have been more careful in my opinion. None of my children are accidents. I planned each pregnancy. But if I dare tell her that, I'm as good as dead.

"You'll do great!"

"I'm other news, there was a hit on my son. Tell me that wasn't you!"

"No it wasn't. I promised you that as long as Nicko doesn't make a move towards me, I won't make a move towards him." It's conditional so that she sees I'm being fair. In a way being around my sister has softened my brutal hate for Nicko.

She sighed. "Thank goodness! He lives to continue giving me sleepless nights. Dio! Do you know Kei left him? He didn't even call me to tell me! I had to hear it from Maddie! I know you're not even sad but please don't you dare go after that girl! She's Nicko's."

I chuckled softly. Having Kei in my arms is enough conviction for me to see this through. One way or another, I'm going to finish what we started in her bed. I'm quite conservative about honoring her in marriage before I go any further. How do I get her to marry me and not incur her hate? How do I not force her into anything?

"Maria I have to go. I'll talk to you later.'

"Are you avoiding this conversation? What did you do?"

"Ciao." I hanged up.

She called immediately but I out away my phone.

"Should I summon Moretti?"

"No. Let him dig his grave a little deeper so that  I can bury him a little deeper."

"Si Signore."

Nick's POV
"...a body was discovered by a runner early this morning. Police are in the scene and have identified the body. The deceased is former detective Brian Lance of the New York..."

I covered my face for a moment.

"Shit." I whispered.

I wonder if Katya is seeing this. Is she even around or she already left? Either way this is bad.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now